BMW CCA - Rebate Enhanced, NO LONGER Immediate Availability

Not sure how true is this statement.

The application clearly states - This program is not available in conjunction with other special purchase programs offered by BMW NA or BMW centers. (including but not limited to the USAA and Corporate Fleet programs)

Am I missing something? :neutral_face:


From my understanding BMW Financial services programs (rebates/loyalty creit) are still good to combine. Special purchase programs are like European delivery etc there are always exceptions with those types of programs that’s why I’d say contact them directly before purchasing the membership. It’s about the same as how we could not do Costco credit and Cooperate Fleet together because they’re taken out of the same funding pot.

So technically BMWCCA is issuing rebates from BMWFS corporate fleet/similar funding pot. Therefore you cannot combine them two.

Exactly, but since corporate fleet is $500 most of the program offers match if not beat the current BMWFS program. Or for those who qualify for corporate fleet at all.

(For Lease Situations)
USAA = $500
Corporate Fleet = $500
College Grad = $1,000
BMWCCA = $500-1,500

You pick which one works best for you. :slight_smile:


Can you use this on a demo/loaner lease?

No. The deal restricts the mileage on the car. You can use it on European delivery and with all regular rebates and cash allowances (e.g. loyalty).

@michael is it possible to sticky or pin this to the top?

Is it possible to save money on a lease by doing european delivery or is that only for financing?

Fine prints, loaner, over 1000mi doesn’t qualify I think.

That changed as of July. Loaners qualify now.

EDIT: I misread/misunderstood a post back in July. 1,000 is the limit.

New, non-registered vehicles in excess of 1,000 miles including company vehicles, retail demos or loaner vehicles. 3rd party brokers, lease companies, etc. do not qualify.
That’s what I found from application

Let me know if I’m wrong, because I’ll lease one this weekend lol

just added that in orig post

I called them (the phone number on the application), and then lady said that if it is NEW but has more than 1k miles, it isn’t eligible (exactly what the application says). If someone here has gotten the rebate with this fact pattern, please post here.

This form is updated 07/05/18, and @mp11477 said they changed since July, so anyone can get updated form?
This will be a sweet deal if I can get for loaner.

My application was rejected when I tried, so my experience has been the same, and mine was after July 5th

There was a CA that reported CCA being combinable with fleet back in July. I just rechecked the thread, and I misread or misunderstood. 1,000 is the limit for a loaner.

This would be great to add to the BMW wiki!

Newbie here, can this be combined with UDE OL code?

If I’m interested in leasing in a month, can I join membership and get a rebate? Differences in rebate money if one vs three year CCA membership?