Best July 4th Lease deals?

Please share here the best July 4th Independence Day deals.

Some dealers are outright giving 10% off MSRP.

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Are they? Oh man what a treat.


I wouldn’t be caught dead inside a car dealership on July 4th…or any holiday. Dealers have zero incentive to give good discounts when cars are leaving the lot at “sucker” prices. Holiday “sales” are a scam anyway. Please read more of the past forum posts.


I laughed out loud. :rofl:

@Alexus that is now how this site works. Please read the FAQ. You seem to be looking for news paper inserts offering tent sales and wacky waving arm guy. You figure out what you want, come back and ask if it’s a good deal. Don’t sign anything until you check the deal. Good luck!

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Happy Independence Day and Happy Hunting!


But that parking lot tho. Hot dogs. Moon bounce. The radio station doing a remote.

Kidding I wish all of it were extinct.


Well I bet you some hackers will sign a deal tomorrow…lolz.

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Does one become a hackr just by signing up? then yes you may be right!

Yeah, because every one feels to be a hacker after signing until they realized somebody else got a better deal…:grinning:

Oh goodie. Yet another holiday thread!

I hear dealers are straight giving cars away this holiday. Just walk in and grab any set of keys you want. PM me for details…I know of 3.



If my CA notifies me of a convertible pretty much like what I got in the red car (or an M340i, im not picky) I’m down to sign some papers tomorrow. Same discount though natch.

Never mind the pretty disco lights behind you shortly, they’re just there to congratulate you on a job well done with a party down at central.

I wouldn’t pay less than 10% dealer discount on any given day, let alone a holiday.

I’d rather spend my time bbq with friends and family than trying to “negotiate” a deal that would be no better on a any day ending in “y.”


Irvine BMW is paying the tax and doc fee, even. Also applying MSD so you profit at grounding.

Plus a bag of swag with each “purchase.” Check the expiry date on that BMW branded Chapstick, though.


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The best deals on “fill in the blank” holiday will be the best given on “fill in the blank” holiday. (Don’t tell anyone, but Cesar Chavez Day really has the best deals)


A lot of hackers are missing out on the best deals this July 4th…:rofl:


I hear Amazon Day is gonna be a real doozy too. Buy 5 echo dots, get 10 for free!


Great. Then the government has 15 bugs in your abode. No thanks. :rofl:


iDrive 7.0 listens…

Hey, BMW…

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Then your car shakes you down, threatening to tell your wife about the other ladies who’ve inhabited that passenger seat . . .