Are these good lease deals? $0DAS for all: Accord Sport SE, Lexus is300 w/ red interior, Kia K5 GT-Line w/ red interior

This is ridiculous. Why wonā€™t this guy tell us if he is trading in the Honda?

If you look at their post history, itā€™s clear trying to educate this person is a massive waste of the collective groupā€™s time. 100+ posts and 60+ posts here and OP has shown they donā€™t even know what MF / RV / etc mean or do in a lease


Probably not, but since you have yet to properly address anyoneā€™s questions here, thereā€™s no way to know for sure.

You may not be lying, but youā€™ve said yourself you donā€™t understand how this all works, which means this situation is a prime opportunity for misunderstanding the offers on the table.

If the numbers donā€™t make sense, the solution isnā€™t to just plow ahead and hope for the best. Itā€™s to figure out why they donā€™t make sense.

This entire thread doesnā€™t make sense. Not sure what OP wants to achieve other than confusing the hell out of everyone.

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trolling i think

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Not trolling. I am trading in my Honda. I thought that was tacit.

And thereā€™s the missing piece of information.

None of these are $0 DAS. These are all gobbling up the equity in your honda, which is likely worth a significant amount of money given the current used market.

Right now, without knowing the equity in your trade, you have no idea of what the cost is on any of these deals, but none of them are $0 das.

Iā€™ve removed the slowdown now that thereā€™s some actual relevant information added to the discussion.


How much are they giving you for your Honda? How much is your payoff? What did a third party (Carmax, Carvana, shift, vroom) value your Honda at?

What is the Honda youā€™re trading in anyway?

Weā€™re trying to ascertain how much equity your Honda has that is being applied to this deal. Could be several thousand dollars.

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This thread is fairly entertainingā€¦especially for a slow Monday morning.

Somehow, a person with virtually no lease knowledge or negotiating skills is getting quotes from multiple manufacturers that are better than anything in the marketplace and people believe it.


We donā€™t know yet. We donā€™t have all the pieces to the puzzle. The deal could totally be legit if there is enough equity in the trade. No point in all the guessing and commenting until we have all the info that has been requested a number of times.


OP, if you donā€™t need a car right now, I really suggest you do some reading about how leases work and that you actually figure which car you want (rather than asking about 4 diff cars that have totally diff MSRPs and which arenā€™t even directly comparable in many ways).

I mean no offense, but your approach to all of this seems very confusing and disorganized, and itā€™s not really possible to make sense of all of that.

Learn the basics of how a lease works and then come back w/ more information (and preferably about a single car, not 4).

Seems like some sort of trolling. There is no good reason for not giving the dealer info.

Yeah, every other post is I donā€™t know how this works lol

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Eh, at this point, Iā€™m going to give the benefit of the doubt and say that they just seem mightily confused. But time will tell. I know Iā€™ve considered initial posts from people as trolling, and it turned out that they actually werenā€™t. :slight_smile:

I do think that, if the OP doesnā€™t even want to figure out the basics, I think we can all just stop responding (and that would take care ofā€¦ everything).

We do have one big piece, that a self-admitted clueless person is getting seemingly great deals but we finally find out thereā€™s a trade-in. I think we all know the trade-in likely has significant equity.

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I canā€™t believe everyone is in this threat trying to give advice.

Why do always these start with either Honda (Pilot) or Accord (Hybrid)ā€¦

There is something about that metal Honda producesā€¦


Car dealers hate this one trick! You can lease an Accord for a single payment of $1 if you play your cards right. And by play your cards right, I mean trade in a car with >$15k in equity.


How about this ad

Only $5.43 per day. Then you realize itā€™s just a LIE because the $3000 down payment isnā€™t factored in and not even the taxes and all other goodies as well. All dealerships are scum and will always be scum.

The thread is a garage fire (oh wait thatā€™s another thread on BMW stealing money). The obvious trade-in information from the OP magically shows up 3 days and 60 posts inā€¦

Birdie would like to know the Honda trade in equity the dealer is keeping to provide these chip shortage mini-unicorn era $0 DAS lease numbers

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