Any hacks to getting discounts on charging at public fast chargers?

Any hacks to getting discounts on fast chargers?

Check with your utility company to see what they offer.

Claim the federal tax credit for installing it. 30% of the cost up to $1000.

Don’t buy a cheap, questionable quality unit off Amazon just to save a few dollars.

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Which fast chargers?
Level 2 - Amazon
Level 3 - Wait for the very rare ,free charging events on EA (Usually on Holidays)

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Quality of the units on amazon goes from fantastic to counterfeit-UL-markings-and-will-set-your-house-on-fire, so it’s best to be very mindful there.

Probably but Amazon is probably the best place to purchase something legit. Most vendors use Amazon to warehouse their stuff as well.

But I think OP wanted Level 3 DCFC discounts as ‘fast chargers’ usually mean that.

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I think many of them offer a subscription which discounts the rate (or at least they used to).

I would figure out which DCFC brands are closer/convenient to you and look into their subscription plans. EVGo had a reasonable rate and EA’s Pass+ is supposed to save around 25% off rates.

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No, it’s not.

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Looks like OP edited the title to “discounts on charging at public chargers

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I did. Would love to find out if any discounts can be found.

Ah, that would make a difference

Some credit cards will do a % rewards for EV charging, CITI/COSTCO card does this 4% I think with a $7,000/year Cap on spending, probably some others may too :+1:


I will have to check if any of my cards have that. Thank you for the tip.

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I completely forgot that Costco has a Gas/EV discount! I don’t charge much (and pay for it) so that I forgot they give a little bit back.


The problem with Costco is that they allow to redeem once a year and in Costco….

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Bet all chargers support apple pay, then us bank altitude reserve gives you 4.5% on that

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Also a better card for Costco (3.5% with relationship) than the Costco Visa, assuming the quarterly caps aren’t a meaningful constraint.


You can purchase promo accounts for both EA and EVGO if you know where to look. Essentially you are paying for usage up-front, and if you use it frequently, it can be a big cost savings (usually around 50%). With both of these providers, you can also acquire an account that has lyft rates, which start around a 15% discount off the base price. Combine these two discounts and you can see savings around 65%.


Interesting. Can you please point me to an EVGO promo? I have two years of free for EA but the closest location is 7 miles away. EVGO is 5-minute walk. Would be great to have some discount at EVGO. Now we getting somewhere!

How much you willing to pay off the total amount I might have one

Trusted seller here :wink:

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I know you got lots loaded on that Hydrogen Card there.