Advice for dealing with speeding tickets?

Where are tickets cheap? Ha My very first ticket was around $250 and that was many years ago. That very weekend I went and purchased a good radar detector. I’ve had one in my sports cars ever since. I couldn’t begin to guess the absolute dozens of times the radar has helped. It’s not just for avoiding tickets either. It has alerted me many times of an accident ahead, vehicles pulled over, etc. well before anything is within sight.

I think the entry speeding ticket is close to $200 (1-10 mph over).

Probably on HairGel’s protection detail.

Don’t forget the increase in insurance premiums + points on your license


All this and more. Does anyone really want a moving violation sticking with them for 2 or more years?

It’s not just about the immediate dollars but more of the long-term view. Also, many employers have legal plans that are part of an employee’s benefits package and this covers many legal matters (including speeding tickets). I had a moving violation that dragged for 2 years and working with an attorney on the plan, this was ultimately dismissed at no additional cost.

In my younger days when I used to speed more frequently and got tickets, I would generally reschedule the court dates and the officer wouldn’t show up to court. If they did, I could usually get traffic school and a reduced fine. I’ve attended level 2 traffic school (more serious offenders) and it was entertaining since we sat around and swapped stories.

Most colleges/universities have an onsite legal clinic / local lawyer that works with students to get tickets dismissed and that can be helpful for not just speeding tickets.

I don’t really speed now with kids and general age/maturity, but if I were to speed, I’d get one of the latest radar detectors and waze to minimize the probability of a ticket.

I got a CamelCamelCamel alert on this Escort, if anyone’s interested.

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