A hackr worthy template

Did you use the form and get any responses from dealers?

It does when you enter a car that exists :sunglasses:

Seriously though, I was initially going after an IS 350 and being in Canada, you do not have the concentration of population that you do in the states so I literally hit every Lexus dealership in Canada, which is not a lot (roughly 60). From that, I received about 35 replies. Before I decided to go in a different direction, I think I received about 15 or so assertive initial offers. It got the door open, it set the tone that I knew what I wanted and what I felt a fair price was and eliminated some back and forth.

Really? You donā€™t think that creating multiple clones to promote his ā€œservicesā€, reply to himself and essentially tricking people into paying money for his crap is unethical? How about using another userā€™s real name and information in hostile posts? Or goading another nice guy - me :innocent: - through PM for calling him out?

This is a shit form. People who pay for it just donā€™t know any better and thatā€™s another reason why what he does is unethical. But the problem is that he himself doesnā€™t know any better - he has zero real life auto buying or industry insider experience, a wannabe. There are more than enough real life examples of normal emails to dealers and experts on this site who are ready to help anybody for free.

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I saw you carefully not use the @ symbol but somehow it triggered this popcorn-worthy (see what I did there) forum-movie :slight_smile: ā€¦ Iā€™m not holding my breath to ask if @michael has gotten any commission yet

Something tells me he would show up here regardless, heā€™s watching us :slight_smile:

@Ursusā€¦ Uh, No. Its a ridiculous way to do business.

I know you didnā€™t, was just kidding.

Here are, folks, you have it straight from the horseā€™s mouth:

Ironically the email you received came from James Braggā€™s system at fightingchance.com. From everything I have read, itā€™s quite an effective system despite your personal feelings. A similar type system can be found at lease guide.com as well. Anyway James has been a consumer advocate forever and offers a good honest service.

Chelsea fan

Pick one :soccer:

Donā€™t even get me started on a car broker who can make me an offer I canā€™t refuse :grinning:


Corrected my post above - I meant ā€œcar brokerā€, of course

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To begin, I want to be clear that I do not condone activities such as that, if in fact that is the case. I would deem that as unethical as well if it was utilized to garner sales via subversive tactics. Again, I was conveying personal experience and based on your history of posts, you take umbrage to this individual and his intent, it seems, over some time; therefore your personal experience certainly differs and like I said, if that in fact was happening, thatā€™s not a ethical decision on his part.

Again, personal experiences vary, and you have every right to think something is shit. As for people not knowing any better, I purchased it and like to think of myself as quite educated, or at least educated enough to know whether I have an opportunity to learn something or not. With that said, there has been both anecdotal and factual evidence that his system works as I have spoken to individuals that it has worked for. And true, they knew/know nothing about the ins and outs of leasing. However at the end of the day, they got what they paid for which was a vehicle at a price they were happy with.

As I said earlier Ursus, once I found this place, I probably would not have spent the money. But lets face it that we are such a small subset of the overall population. We are the outliers. And again, my concern was not your opinion, but I think itā€™s good to provide multiple perspectives. Your experience has been one of a non-buyer who has infiltrated the back-alley shit someone was doing. There are others who felt that received value from the experience. Itā€™s always a fine line between opinion and defamation of character, or worse, libel.

Off ramp section? Check.
Walls of tl;dr text? Check.
Forum Veterans assembled? Check.
GIFS? Check and check.

This thread is now beating a dead horse. Please take your tickets and shred them - shows over!


tl;dr [20 charsā€¦]

Appreciate what you are trying to do but you werenā€™t here when this stuff was going down so you donā€™t understand. Surprisingly, this forum calls out things for what they are like fraud, ā€œyou canā€™t afford this carā€, ā€œnegotiating in bad faithā€, ā€œBS feesā€, etc. AND balances it with what is legal and ethical.


Itā€™s gotten to the point where a hackr familiar with he-who-shall-not-be-named cannot be sure that you are a separate individual or just another clone.

No need for witch hunting.

Heā€™s believes in that persons template and process - that is his decision.

This thread delivered. Thanks for the entertaining read.

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