A hackr worthy template

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Edit: This was distasteful of me to do. It was actually quite immature - I apologize to the forum for bringing this here.

Okay but seriously. Is this a good way to go? I seriously have no clue about the tone of negotiations via email. So far Iā€™ve been butting my head against a brick wall via email here in FL. Cannot get past monthly payment/come in for numbers etc. from multiple dealers. :persevere:

No - this a horrible way of doing anything.

Firstly that vehicle doesnā€™t even exist! There is no AWD Pacifica! Someone paid $200 for it!

Itā€™s the end of the month so you can probably find a deal - what are you looking for?

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I figured lol!

Iā€™m looking for a Trax or Equinox deal. There a $2k bonus tagged Trax super close by and I qualify for the Asian market 3k.

Super frustrated by my lack of progress and I know itā€™s partly likely my email tone, and partly FL dealers.

Is it still available?

That Trax?

The bonus tag on lease is $1,500 btwā€¦

Iā€™ve done a few as a broker - I might be able to help if youā€™re interested. No pressure though - Iā€™ll give advice regardless.

Looks like ā€˜Joeā€™ paid CarPhan for this template. He promoted similar crap here.

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@Benedetto - can you help me secure a lease in bay areA for a trax or equinox?

Email me Please - Ben@CarSalesSnoop.com

Surely - you just need a product that brings actual value.

Youā€™re right - I shouldnā€™t have called you insane

I have no clue what that means - nor do I care.

Iā€™ll never go against someone making a living - however at some point ethics come into play.

Iā€™m not a long term car guy - I was in the business for a year and a half. Iā€™ve put the last 5 years of my life into this business, helping people understand the car world and save money too.

You donā€™t need to be a car guy to understand car sales - hell some people on here could run a sales department.

What youā€™re doing is not only unethical but itā€™s incredibly immoral. You are charging people money, for a template, that makes no sense. You cannot back up any of your offerings. Do you have any substantiated proof that, the template will somehow get them X price? Do you even know how the process works? Can you breakdown how that template works? Can you explain how that saves people time or money?

You canā€™t and you know it. If youā€™ve sold one of these(which you clearly have), you should be ashamed. Youā€™ve taken advantage of someone who knows nothing of car buying or how to root out what is clearly a sham offering.

Maybe thatā€™s the 7 minute truth people should be hearing.


Not only did you not answer my question - you turned it into a sales pitch for the forum.

You could sell $10,000 of them and it still wouldnā€™t be right.

I donā€™t care what youā€™re asking me - nor do I care what youā€™re offering. I donā€™t care if you make a living digging holes or selling snake oil.

Who is digging up dirt on you? A friend in the dealership world sent that to me right before it got deleted.

Take your own advice

Re: Please ignore me

Wait - you took that from an article I wrote on medium lol.

Seriously? Is that supposed to be a threat?

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:scream: ā€¦

Ok just to say that i agree about lawyers. The biggest scammers alive. Dealing with a couple of then on a few things going on and they get paid for nothing in my opinion. I do all the work to keep the suckers on point.

So true. But the same goes with any contractors, like handymen etc.

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Just a coincidence, but I received a template for an purchase request today. It was put together and blasted to every dealer in a 300 miles radius and we were asked to bid on for the best price. A second round of bidding would occur based on the best offer tomorrow and the final decision would be Friday. Horribleā€¦ That makes me a glorified order taker instead of using my expertise to create emotional excitement in a vehicleā€¦

If you know what you want, just order from the manufacturerā€¦

Did you bid? :slight_smile:
But seriously, Iā€™d think there wouldnā€™t be a second round, these emails would go straight into trash. But what do I know? He apparently has ā€œclientsā€.

often - blanket emails do go into the trash folder.

A store receives several hundred emails a month ā€“ they weed out the less serious ones and focus on the ā€˜seriousā€™ ones.

It also comes down to the internet structure of the store.

The three major ones are

1). ISM (Internet Sales Manager) handles all of the leads and sells directly.

2). ISM hands all the leads to salespeople and gets them to work em (rarely happens lol)

3). Store has a BDC team that handles all of the incoming internet leads - they get paid on setting appointments and sold units.

In order of popularity 2,3,1.

It does seem to be moving towards 3,2,1 ā€¦ now.


Hi All,

Did not want to throw my hat in the ring, but since I know of the system in question and based on having read through Benedettoā€™s well placed information and advice throughout the forum, Iā€™d like to provide some insight without infringing on any proprietary components. By the same token, I think Phan has been given an unethical label unfairly and I can fairly say based on experience, that his intentions come from a good place. Now we could certainly debate the merits of said system and whether or not its the best way to go, but then we could do the same with choices in refrigerators.

The ā€˜systemā€™ if this is what we shall call it, is less a system and more an understanding of the industry and how to leverage that information to improve the odds substantially in the consumerā€™s favor. We all know that dealerships are either volume-based, profit-based or a hybrid of the two meaning around mid-month or so, some dealerships decide they will go for the numbers or stick with the profit margins. If I am a sales manager at dealership x and I need one or two sales to hit quota with the factory, I donā€™t care how I receive the message. Iā€™m taking every email seriously because itā€™s that one person right? I wouldnā€™t overlook a potential sale. But many do, this I know. But some donā€™t. Those are the ones you focus on. Again, Iā€™m not giving away secrets here. By the same token, the people who know of the knowledge in these forums would probably equate to a Q50 money factor this month (.00006 no pun intended). The service is primarily offered to those who honestly could give two craps about all the fun we have on here and want no part of it. They just want to know how not to pay too much for their lease. In that sense, the product provided does its job. No, to us, itā€™s not rocket science, but itā€™s also not a 2am informercial.

Second, whoever used that form tool did so improperly. Without going into too much detail, the ā€˜formā€™ in question is a way for common folks to facilitate the mailing of requests for quotes without developing carpal tunnel doing so. Most of the site provides a ton of information on aggressive dealerships, tutorials, videos, etc. To his credit, heā€™s put a lot of work into it over the past couple of months.

And yes, I actually signed up to it a couple of months ago (at the discounted price) which is how I found leasehackr and have been a voracious reader and student ever since. Had I found leasehackr first, would I have paid the money? No, probably not, but then most people do not have the time or the sheer interest to take the time and patience required to learn everything. Most need a vehicle quickly and would prefer the answer sheet be provided. Fair enough.

Again, I do not have a dog in this fight either way, and have no opinion either way as to the marketing that has been performed on this site. However I do not like to see individuals with overall good intentions being trashed based on miscommunication or misinterpretation. This is such a great family of people providing information freely and like all information coming in from the outside, it is up to us to discern what we allow through and what we discard.
