What a cruel mom. No Lamborgini for you untill you eat your carrots…
The boy left in the SUV after arguing with his mother, who said she would not buy the luxury car for him
Check out the video in the link, The kid drives better than many people I see.
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with 3 dollars in his pocket… he must be an active member here !
This story is so crazy to me. The fact that a 5 year old was able to get keys, start the car, and DRIVE it onto the highway without getting in a wreck, and then successfully stopped the car on the side of the highway when pulled over, is just so wild.
There is no way that kid is 5… Still impressive tho love that go getter attitude lol.
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Good for him! He’s going to be a frat star one day
I am going to tell my 7 yo he needs to learn how to drive
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Exactly! He knew he was supposed to pull over for a police officer, AND he figured out how to stop the car! When I was 5 (maybe 6) years old, I was playing “car” with my friend in her mother’s car. Side note: my sisters and I also used to do this in our mom’s car, a 1960-something Olds Delta 88. It was an automatic but the gear shift was in the middle console (and I knew not to touch that), and the steering wheel column had stems for turn signals and probably wipers or headlights. Since I was used to playing with those, I didn’t realize that my friend’s mom’s car had a steering wheel column-mounted gear shift, so I unwittingly put the car in neutral. I remember saying “the wheel turns so easy!” … next thing I knew the car started rolling, and it headed down a grassy slope and stopped at the bottom of the hill only when we hit a tree. Neither of us was hurt, and I got a spanking, and 50 years later I am still mortified that I damaged their car (I think it was a crushed front bumper – lots of chrome back in those days). So in looking back at my childhood derelict driving experience, I truly can’t imagine how this little boy managed to do what he did!
Next story…man Cited for not using a booster seat and allowing child on moms lap for Lamborghini joy ride.
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At 5, he has serious nutrition problem and will have diabetes in his twenties.
Sorry. professional deformation. He would be better to walk than drive.
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Didn’t this five year old just post here saying he didn’t have a Credit history but wanted to lease a lambo?
2020 Lamborghini Huracan wtb 5 year old