2025 XC60 Ultra Plug in Hybrid Lease $

2025 XC60 T8 Lease Quote

Hi! Long-time Volvo buyer here. My 2022 XC60 lease is going to expire, and I am looking to upgrade to a 2025 XC60 T8 plug-in hybrid Ultra edition with climate package. I’m being quoted $900 per month The lease term is 24 months and 15k miles per year. I have $ 3k down, the $7500 credit, Volvo loyalty, 1000 bonus cash, and $500 from A-plan. Payment will be just shy of $900 with tire and wheel protection and wear and tear. I’ve been going back and forth with my sales person all day and that’s the best he could come up with. Thoughts? Should I roll the dice and wait for next months incentives?

What’s your best attempt at reconstructing your deal using the LH calculator? What’s your target deal based on marketplace signed deals?

Have you considered a broker, plenty good ones that serve your region.

Do you think there is any equity in your trade in?

We would need all of this info to help, but this seems like a terrible idea to spend that kind of money on an XC-60.

No equity since it’s a lease that I’m turning in. I currently am paying $695 per month for a 2022 XC60 B5 Ultra. I’m being told the selling price of the car is 60k. I just turned my super supporter membership back on to see if I can restructure the deal. I think I’d be comfortable at 850 per month.

I’m just curious. Did you check the marketplace and what brokers are offering?
@aronchi @nyclife and many others.
How does it compare to your deal?
Why You need 25 MY, 24 MY still available witj deeper discount IMO.
It will probably be cheaper to go with xc90 T8

Have the same car . $10k underwater. Just return it or swap it using pull ahead program.

As @Zenek says below, you should look into brokers. I have been texting with @aronchi this week. He has been super responsive. I think you will be able to find something that works in your budget.

No, I can check the marketplace. XC90 is too big. It’s mostly just me driving and sometimes my wife and I together. No kids.

The XC60 platform is obsolete and hardly competitive in the marketplace.

And if it was less than 3 years old then it would be fairly priced between a Mazda CX70 in the $300s and a Mercedes GLC PHEV in the 600s

Do brokers charge a fee?

No other 2 row luxury PHEV comes close to XC60 T8. I test drove everything on the market a few weeks ago and was thoroughly disappointed. RX comes close but the infotainment system was atrocious in my eyes.

XC60 is a stellar lease value - just not at the terms OP has. 36 months will be better than 24.


Sounds like you ONLY tested and not have one.
My wife iand some frimd complaining everyvsingle day about the infotainment system notvworking properlybor restart during the driving. Nice looking car but No more XC60 for us. Going with GLC 350e.

I’ve owned an XC60 T8 for the past 2.5 years. Thankfully my commute is shifting and I will be driving quite a bit less. Back to leasing for me. It’ll be another XC60 T8

I’ve had 0 issues with the infotainment system and it works flawlessly. Not busy, easy to use, and Google Maps built in is lifechanging in my eyes. GLC’s tablet stuck on the dash is very Ford-like to me. Not appealing.


Lucky You. LOL. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Horrible deal compared from what I’ve seen in the market place but would need more details.

Most do, but the fee is amounts to less than 1% of the car’s price and they can negotiate a 10%+ savings. It seems like they also have access to better financing terms too (lower money factor on leases). All-in, you should be able to get the car you are seeking in the $600s on an Ultra. You will break even on the broker’s fee in 2 months.

Basically for that money you can get two loaners of 24MY xc90 t8 plus trim.

not everyone wants an xc90. my wife wouldnt drive one.


OK. But not for $900/m

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oh i’m not arguing - i ran him a car for $100/month less, but he was firm on a color combo that 7 dealers i checked in nj did not have.


OP needs to decide .:grinning: