2025 Audi SQ6 E-tron deal check

How does this look on a 25 Audi sq6? What do you guys think?

Dont know the markets for these but at a quick glance, i would say no.

  1. Look at the marketplace and see what they are going for.
  2. Not a good idea to put any downpayment for a lease vehicle (general rule of thumb)
  3. What is the discount from the dealer vs rebates ?
  4. Did you verify the MF being used ?

Das is fees. Taxes and 1st month, discount before rebates 8%, mf is .00177(4.25%), residual 58%(36/12k)

Here’s the calc.

Ahh sorry I saw the down payment of 13.5k and thought you were putting money down.
How does your discount compare to the marketplace ? There are other EV behicles to be had right now (not convincing you to change your mind).
Can you confirm if the MF is bumped up?

I don’t think so, it lines up with the calc I posted above
Checked the marketplace and brokers don’t have deals with discounts cuz it’s a newly released car

I do like the design on the sq6, only problem is range anxiety

F*** no. Just look at BMW and Mercedes EV payments when initially introduced and how much lower they were a year later.


So you are suggesting I wait on it?

Yes. Why would anyone take this as is?

“S” or no “S” this car’s closest competitor performance-wise is the base bmw iX and no one should be touching these until prices reflect that

Are these dealer sheets intentionally confusing as hell? Why does it say 16k discount, but your real discount is only 8% ($6,796), then the down payment is $13,589?

Are you forced to pay all taxes up front?

I’m confused too, $7500 is the ev rebate, the rest is fees,taxes and first payment

$13589 - $7500 =$6,089.00

Don’t know why they say it’s down payment

When I inquire about adding audicare($899), payment jump to $805/m with $6110 das, is the correct? I thought it reduces payment?
When i enter it in the calc with audicare, I get $811/m
With $6047 das. Something doesn’t look right
Also noticed 36k miles became 30k.

Just got a copy of the lease agreement, but the agreed selling price doesn’t match the quote? Any help?

Guess I’m on my own:(

You should reach out directly to the many brokers that handle Audis on this site. I’m sure the majority of them would be willing to give you advice on your proposed deal and maybe beat it with their own deal.

I tried the market place, they ain’t offering any discount

Brand new model so not surprising really.

looks like if you want a deal, the consensus is to wait at least 6 months or so for this model to come down or just look at comparable models from other brands that have discounts already (like Merc EQ or BMW)

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Not a S, but PMI has a good starting point for new Q6.

If I could get the s for the same price as the q6. I would get the S

Looking at the quote and lease agreement back to back, it seems they are stealing my trade, $357.76 vs $413.90

Now it’s even worst lol

I’m not sure how you expect the feedback to change. Especially if you’re going from a hideous deal to something even worse.

Choose something else or wait. But don’t do the same thing over and over expecting the outcome to change.