2024 Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 - Deal Check/Help

Back again - still shopping different dealers and I’m hoping to get a little help deciphering the latest lease agreement. This one almost seem like it purposefully confusing and I am having trouble figuring out the real numbers they used.

In this agreement, they’ve listed the MSRP with no dealer discount - there is a decent “dealer discount” noted on their website but I was told that it only applies to purchasing vs leasing. I’ve asked them to look into it as I haven’t come across the dealer discount having anything to do with the purchase method - maybe someone here can confirm.

Otherwise, I am trying to figure out the MF but am not sure I am using the right numbers. Can anyone confirm if .00095 would be correct in this agreement? Any other red flags to note?

As usual, thanks for your help!

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Deal Check: '24 Jeep GC Limited 4x4