Deal Check: '24 Jeep GC Limited 4x4


Hi all,

First time looking into a Grand Cherokee and looking for some input on whether the agreement I received today is a good deal, on-par deal, or a bad deal.

Attached is a screenshot of the numbers I received.

Note: I’ll be asking them to remove the “Accessories” line item so there will be a slight reduction there. I also might be able to add an additional $1000 in bonus cash allowance from Jeep if they let me add it on to the reduction that’s already in there (but not sure it will apply).

I’ve tried to calculate the MF from these details and I am not sure I am putting in the right numbers so any insight on that would be helpful as well.

As a side note, I reached out on Edmunds and was given the following for a 36/12k lease (although I don’t know how accurate or relevant that info is):

  • MF: .00032
  • RV: 54%

Thanks all!

You’re likely to get a better price on a base 4xe

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~$2000 off MSRP is a bad deal

Based on the dealer WS, I computed the following…
MF = 0.00075 looks pretty good
Residual = 30466.80
payment = 695.07

The deal doesn’t look bad at all. It’d not great but it certainly isn’t bad.

Between the dealer discount and the rebates, aren’t I looking at $6667 off MSRP? What am I missing (genuine question)?

Rebates are coming from the manufacturer so you never count them in the discount percentage.

What are those $1,488 in accessories?

Ah thank you! Looks like the MF seems solid (~1.8% APR, correct?) so would you say the only real room for improvement is additional reductions from the MSRP?

I believe it’s some interior/exterior package that can be removed, which I planned on doing.

Just make sure that the difference between the retail price and the sale price is a true dealer discount and doesn’t include incentives/rebates as they should be itemized separately. Be sure you’re getting all the discounts/incentives by asking to see the manufacturer’s customer acknowledgement incentive form… I know that GM uses them. And, yes, the interest rate is about 1.8%.

Your discount is $3667 and then they clawed back $1500 in dealer add ons (and probably more in a marked up mf, etc)

Hold out for at least a 10% discount off MSRP plus all rebates. 4xe is typically a much better lease

Got it - thank you! Are incentives/rebates typically applied pre- or post- tax?

Pre-tax. I’ve never seen incentives/rebates applied post tax.

Back again - still shopping different dealers and I’m hoping to get a little help deciphering the latest lease agreement. This one almost seem like it purposefully confusing and I am having trouble figuring out the real numbers they used.

In this agreement, they’ve listed the MSRP with no dealer discount - there is a decent “dealer discount” noted on their website but I was told that it only applies to purchasing vs leasing. I’ve asked them to look into it as I haven’t come across the dealer discount having anything to do with the purchase method - maybe someone here can confirm.

Otherwise, I am trying to figure out the MF but am not sure I am using the right numbers. Can anyone confirm if .00095 would be correct in this agreement? Any other red flags to note?

As usual, thanks for your help!

Check with a lease broker. Loads on LH. I had a great experience with @AutoNinjas.

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IDK why you’re back with a gas GC quote when the prior advice was to look at a 4xe?

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One person (out of 4 responses) saying I’m “likely” to get a better price on a 4xe means I can’t ask for help on a new gas quote?

Maybe it’s lack of availability in my area. Or that the 4xe’s that I have seen are at least $10k more. Weird response to a request for help…

Then your business with them is done.

And itll still be a better deal. When youre getting a good $12k more in incentives, a $10k higher msrp isnt a problem.

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Post your LH calc link showing payment…if you can’t do that and understand it you are getting taken to the cleaners.