2024 Audi RS E-Tron GT|MSRP $158,690| 12/7.5K | $700/month effective


Was able to replicate the deal that was posted but was told that they no longer would be doing it. Got the calculator pretty close

same numbers as previous deal posted.

Audicare included.


Good work but even Dallas has a pain tolerance. They’re going to have to rob a few Q5 buyers to make that up. :joy:


Just out of curiosity, incentives in TX are “non-taxable” correct ?

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Well done!!!

Indeed they are.

That is news to me!!
I always thought final price (after incentives, rebates, trade in equity) is the taxable one.

Quoting TX Sales Tax handbook

“In Texas, all vehicle purchases are taxed after incentives and rebates have been applied to the asking price, meaning that in this hypothetical situation, the buyer would only pay taxes on the final vehicle cost of $10,000.”

Source: Texas Car Sales Tax: Everything You Need to Know
Sales tax on cars and vehicles in Texas

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That’s precisely how the rebate is untaxed.


doesn’t (or barely) matter when tax credit is applied.

I confirmed they’re non taxable, yes.

Ah, Audi of Dallas… Never disappoints.


Calculator showed rebates as “taxable”
In this context it doesn’t matter since there were tax credits. Folks trying to replicate the deal in a state where it’s taxable for incentives is going to come nowhere close to this deal - just wanted to confirm.

Congrats on the deal !!

Nice deal! Even cheaper than my GT, not RS… Congrats!!

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Nice job! I just ordered the same car but was able to get 11% off preincentives and tinted windows included. It took me a day and a half of negotiating. They started at 5% off while I started at 14% off lol

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Anyone know of a good cheap car transport company?
About 240 miles
Preferably closed transport

I got quoted $400 pretty much same distance for rs etron. Dealers transport quoted $1200. Not sure if their any good but if interested will share info. I havent locked them in yet.

What’d the effective payment look like on it?

Amazing. Can anyone help me get something similar?

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For real I’ll take one too!

It really isnt that hard. Just email several dealers. Once one agrees, the others will throw stuff in to beat out other dealers. I had one dealer offer 10% off, another 11% off with a mark up on MF, and I went with a dealer who gave 11% off and threw in tints.


I used Tempus last summer to transport two cars (enclosed). I think their prices were very reasonable.

Tempus Logix
(818) 942-7030

Tempus Logix - Google Search

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