2024 Audi RS e-tron GT 12/7.5k $699 DAS 699 mo


ok - then extend it 6 months, and then throw an order in for another audi and extend it another 6 months. there’s nothing wrong w this. there’s a reason this car is being given away. it’s not great. telling you from personal experience. it’s on my driveway.

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I agree and I plan on doing same but insurance is killer on this car.

I do enjoy this over my EQS as it’s more sporty but super small interior is my only issue. Only I can drive it alone with no other family

it’s about $70/month more than my taycan was. i’m ok w it. the payment’s $1k less.

What’s your insurance per year?

Here is your answer to that….

Did you intentionally choose a Detroit rapper? lol

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:joy: that was coincidence I promise you

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i was planning to extend for 6 month to keep the car for the full 18 month with that payment but i am already bored planning to swap lease it within 6-8 months of AFS allows

my insurance isn’t too bad either like $1200 just for this car but i have 4 cars on my policy

You know you stay on the hook transferring with AFS right? It’s not like BMW.

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oh i don’t know first time leasing audi yeah then im sticking to 12 months- i wish more manufacturers did good 12 mo leases

i have been lucky with covid values selling car before renewing reg or changing tire or even doing any oil changes after the free ones - truly amazing ownership just paying lease payment, insurance and gas

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I’m paying $2600/yr for the RS e-tron. I’m paying $6500/yr for the iX :roll_eyes: but that’s because my teenager is driving it.

How much insensitive are you offering I am interested

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nada just take it off my hands

$8000 a year for 5 cars. No issues with accidents or anything

Crying with a detroit zip code


Even the burbs are bad man. Lowest quote was over 3k/6m for an eqs

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off-Topic Landfill 6

I pay 4xxx for the year on the GT.

SQ5 is 18xx for the year

NYC geico non RS $1540 6mo policy. Cheaper than my Tesla M3 SR…

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I pay 90/mo for my RS GT in CA. :grimacing: