2024 Audi RS e-tron GT 12/7.5k $699 DAS 699 mo


MSRP $158,690
sale price $139,690 ($19,000 off or 11.97%)

rebate $32,500

Audi Care $1249 (+1% RV bump)
12/7.5k MF .00302 RV 69% + 1%

Doc fee $150
Texas Title, Plates and Fees $588

TX tax credit included @ 1%

$699 DAS / 11 payments of $658 Mo

i am messing up the calc somewhere so I put $50 in rebates to bring it to $699

They didn’t really add the tints, paint protection and “nitrogen filled tires for $299”

Maybe there was something else left to take in discounts but I was okay with my $49 buck above my target $651

Believe it or not the GSM said you’re below 1% of MSRP rule and I was like yeah….ummmm huh?

Calc link: Leasehackr Calculator - Hack your next lease | Leasehackr


Congrats! Pretty!

12m or 24m? shows both in post

fixed its 12 mo


Still can’t believe people would pay $1500 to be spoon fed :joy:



Targeting the same deal and the $32.5k incentive is amazing, just having a hard time finding a dealer who is willing to play ball and discount the car $20k before the incentive. Was it easy or difficult getting the dealer to agree?

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difficult but wasted like two days max on hacking the discount and base mf

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Congrats, nicely done! The tax on the incentives alone would be around 2.5-3k. The tax credits make it a lot more appealing.

Not to mention the reg based on msrp in AZ, which would be ~2500

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Hit it out of the park bro. Nice ride and even better deal

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Are you gonna send him greetings from LH email once AFS funds it?

Amazing !!

Wait until the car won’t charge lol


can confirm.

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Feel bad for OP DM box lol


So outside of Texas, this is closer to $1000/month?

The only way someone is hacking one is without taxes.

Rent charge alone is 600/mo, now add 32k worth of taxable rebates and you’re easily in the 9xx-1k range


really? switching to IL taxes which i think are absurd it’s coming close to 890 mo

but correct rent charge is all what makes the payment - reading the contract only $3xx something in depreciation charge

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IIRC AFS requires minimum of 500$ depreciation so could be some issue getting funded.

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:upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face: keep yall posted then

