2023 Defender 110 s lease

This gets back to just dis-incentivizing me from purchasing it, as opposed to them getting something out of it… Sucks because I was actually planning to hold this for 3 months as my main ski-trip car, and as I was going to use the same dealer for future purchases and did not want to burn the bridge (they were relatively nice until they ran my credit). Clearly not anymore.

Can confirm I do not have g wagon in cash to get leverage for JPMC Private Client. If I did, I probably wouldn’t worry about flipping cars for a few k / driving them for loooow TCO

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Maybe they run your credit to see what other vehicles you have / have had in your name?
Ask you for more cash to discourage you from taking the Defender?

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For what it’s worth, while I was arranging for credit union financing, I asked my local dealer to get me approved as a backup plan. Both Chase and BOA approved through the dealer zero DAS other than the $1k deposit from the time of the order. Rates were 5.04% and 5.09%… ultimately went with Interior.

Am curious but is there still a strong market to flip these? I thought that had ended for the most part.

Here are a few pics for anyone interested.


The misaligned tire cover is driving me crazy


Must’ve been a Friday 4pm car.


I find the 130 just odd in shape. That rear hangs out too far. Personal opition.


And the dealer badge is in an unconscionable location.

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@Petrem The bank may be requiring more of a down payment due to your credit history. A $100K 7 series was like $600 a few years back and this car is probably double that.

The dealer wants you to finance as much as possible so they have no reason to ask you to put down more.

Your contact at the dealer is stating things incorrectly. Probably not to lie, but more likely because they don’t understand, don’t want to take the time to write, could be getting annoyed by you, etc…


Blessing in disguise. Discounts are coming back, baby!


The 100k 7 series was $1200 a month, and this one would be around 13-1500$ with <3k down. Total income has also gone more than 2x since that $1200 a month lease. It’s possible that it’s the bank, but seems unlikely.

Unlikely according to what?

Why does the dealer care if you put 5K, 10K, or 20K down?

Sometimes banks stip people and require a higher down payment in order to get bought. If they’re saying the bank is requiring that, ask for proof.

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what exactly do I ask for? “can you share the document from chase that shows the 20k down requirement?”

It looks like a military personnel carrier vehicle.

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It looks like something that could lead a funeral procession.


I’m getting a Breville Smart Toaster vibe.


Why do those slots appear to be so looong. You can fit half of a baguette in there. :joy:

For $200, it better toast the entire loaf of bread in one shot

It better buy the bread too

I enjoy some things that many would consider excessive, but I agree. A toaster is a toaster to me. :joy: