2022 SL63 AMG corporate demo

@li8625 likes juiced up rates
Buy rate or gtfo


@djrabbi and @li8625 - u guys are balling. I only have space for two cars in my garage.

21 A6 $630
17 Pacifica (Wife’s car that is paid off)

I am in the process of looking for a replacement for my Audi. Can’t afford a $1k payment…lol

Financed with $0 DAS and markup on rate. 6.29% I got 10k off including loyalty so mehhh…


I might take crack at that X5 M50i that is in the marketplace but waiting to see if SL63 will be at $80K off now


I’m not balling, I just make bad financial decisions.


That is what I tell people

Financially Irresponsible.

I love cars and only thing that keeps me happy besides my kid. ohhhh and this website :heart:


This site is addictive. For a second, I was planning to hack a '23 EQS, but after reading some of the horror stories about the car, I decided to pass. The '23 etron GT looked tempting, but I think I will stick with ICE cars.for now.

I’ll drive one in the Northeast for that monthly. :joy:


If I get it for SL63, I will let that car be the LH communal race car


We should do a private LH car club. Unicorns only.


thanks to @Andrew617 I got a better deal on a new SL 63 (not demo)
thanks @Andrew617 !!!

Proof? lol

just trust me :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, anything I can do to help out.

I really think these guys are as deep as they can go on them in my opinion. Either they will give it a local customer for a deal which will get them service, employee deal. Maybe even punch them and write off the depreciation. I think they are going to wait closer to the end of the month before pulling triggers.

But not much left out there, so it’s a good deal now. Especially if you like color and options on the car.

Problem is a lot are high stickers, harder to get the deals

My other buddy was willing to walk away and give it to someone else for 6k difference in the deal. So that tells you.

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Andrew, that’s exactly what I thought when purchasing mine. My friend has been hounding me now to find him a similar deal as mine. The color combos and options like you stated aren’t the best. Beggars can’t be choosers.


Bird in the hand.

It’s an amazing deal on a 63 amg that I haven’t seen in a long time. Especially on a 200k sticker.

You get greedy and lose deals. Happens to me all the time.

Believe me they arn’t making a dollar off you lol

Haha I hear you. That’s what the GM told me.

“My ass hurts like a freshman girl during college rush week” and “Most money I ever been taken for”

I’m guessing your deal beats mine. :thinking:

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Pm me I’ll take one

How much does he charge :wink:


Someone hook me up with an S Class lol

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I need a car for my old man. He’s been looking at the Grecale GT but he’s over thinking it and seems too small for him. I’m trying to convince him on an EQS sedan or SUV or S class.