2022 Nissan Frontier S 18month 10k lease $195 a month 195 DAS

If yours is through TFS extensions will lower the RV / Buyout figure.

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Yeah mine is through TFS…so just waiting for when to ask for extension…got 4 months left…

IIRC correctly I did it about 30 days before. They send the docs via TFS portal, you sign and mail back.

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Thanks a lot!!

if you want help, provide your calculator.

I had reached out to them prior to you posting this, but got off a call with them today. Man, what a bunch of jerks. No second thought about gouging customers due to the shortage. Just matter of fact about it. Giving Kenosha a bad name. Love the outlets and the Jelly Belly factory (or warehouse rather).

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Currently at the Sterling, VA Nissan dealer that has 10 in stock, trying to work a similar deal out.

No deal, says I’d need to throw a few grand down to get 200/mo

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Yeah, I think because of the LH effect, they think they have gold on their hands. I had to stop early on my search because I’ll not stop myself and end up calling dozens if dealers and then get frustrated. My time is worth more than dealing with dealers who have the upper hand right now. The fact is if no one is getting this other than the two posters, this deal will probably be too hard to deal unless you pour in insane amount of time.


it doesn’t even have power mirrors!? and its 35K (jeez, this post makes me sound old…and Get off my lawn!!)


I bet these Nissan dealers have never had so many inquiries that they’ve had the past few days.

It’s like 2016 $100 Malibu days when a Chevy dealer said to me, “Hmm, all of a sudden everyone wants to lease a Malibu!”


Challenge accepted. I want 3

Everyone’s got their eyes on the base S trim but the SV trim is also hackable (albeit, alittle more coin)

If you really want this car/truck don’t limit yourself to the S alone.

I would’ve entertained one at $230-$250ish a month but to me anything over that for this vehicle is not worth it (even in this market).

Yeah. I tried a dealership with an SV here in WI and I’m pretty sure that it would be like pulling teeth. The first quote they came back with is for 580 a month with a 1000 down. I don’t know what kind of lease they are trying to put me in, I didn’t actually get an offer sheet but it’s so far away from anything realistic I don’t even think I’m going to try.

The pro-x (if you can get a dealer to be straight on it) looks interesting too.


If I decide to pick one of these up, I think it will be a pro-4x.

As someone suggested yesterday, I’ll likely pay the majority up front and get a $100/month payment and try to extend it after the 18 months.

I just need to go sit in one of these.


Picked one up yesterday. Msrp: 34975. $273 a month. Didn’t use security deposit. Originally was trying to make the deal happen for a family member but at the end I ended up taking it. I probably could’ve squeezed out several dollars but I thought it was a good deal and went with it.


Went to Woodbury, NJ dealer, they wanted 639/mo for 18month lease, $7500 markup on MSRP

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Did you expect anything different by just walking into a random dealership?

They must be part of LH in incognito

Picked mine up today. Selling price was at MSRP $35920, monthly before tax $260.