That, I do not know, because I think some states require loaners to be titled, so I’m not sure that’s necessarily the case, some states a loaner will show as titled as a corporate fleet vehicle. I think it literally just has to have been used as a loaner.
As frustrating as it may be it’s very important to be kind to the rep and try to act more as a partner/guide in a scenario where we may have information they’re unaware of.
Once you start acting like you know more than them (in a condescending way) they’re just going to tell you to get bent. And they should.
The Porshe guy I talked to was condescending with me pretty early. I asked him what RV and MF he was using for lease number he provided me. He said, “Mathletes never lease a Porshe, feel free to look at the Benz or Audi dealer down the street from us”.
Yep that’s fair game to be a douche
Or just call the manger and skip the rep
Going into the conversation as a know it all is what I would suggest avoiding is all
Looks like loaners in CA are all titled as corporate fleet. My rep is very knowledgeable, but how do I guide him to the right direction? Is there any special provision from PFS that prohibits previously titled loaner in the new car lease program?
I like CCAP where you can access most of the leasing/financing documents.
Can you elaborate on this? I’m currently in talks on a CPO 2022 macan with ~5,600 miles, the sales rep emphasized it’s not considered a loaner, rather they bought the car privately…same as a titled vehicle?
Check @nyclife’s thread in Share Deals. He can explain.
My dealer is going through the same issue. Saying the car is used not new and RV is in the 60s.
Edit: He went back and checked and said the car can be sold as a new car with miles so all good. But numbers are still about 1.5k off from my numbers vs theirs, not sure where it’s coming from. Maybe mileage penalty, not sure
A lot of dealers are seeing Feb programs showing miles over 1K or 5K are hit w 30 cents per mile
It can be challenging to convince them otherwise
Yeah - I think that may be the issue. Mileage over 1k
Charging me around 2k for mileage overage
Problem fixed - they were charging full ~7k miles in overage. Guy was very nice (although at one point he was getting annoyed) and I was very nice to them too. He said gotta hand it to you your pretty sharp on your Porsche details and I’m new to Porsche so I wasn’t super familiar with the details.
That being said, I’ll choose my battles wisely as I’m already dealing with the sales manager… my persuasive skills or lack thereof might trigger the douche button from this dealer
This is a killer closing line. I am in awe of the Chad who told you this.
Was he wearing a blue/gold Chinese RoIex Sub and a Patagonia better sweater vest with a Porsche crest by chance?
“Beta cuck,” Chad muttered under his breath as he wiped the slightest amount of lingering cheap park coke from his nose.
The joke is on Chad, as this customer will be his bankruptcy court judge later this year.
Killing them with kindness is how I believe I found a deal for myself on one of these. Started chatting with a really nice SM, built a little rapport, and went to look at the car today, normally something I wouldn’t even bother doing, but I wanted to really feel it and make sure it was going to strike me the way I thought it would. Manager I was speaking to was out but he prepared someone else to show me the car, going to possibly finalize a deal Monday. We’ll see. I’m 70/30 in favor.
I had 2 more sold at another dealer to friends and then all the sudden the guy bumps the prices 150/mo saying the mileage penalty is over 5k. I ask him to please double check the program and he ghosts me
I’ve spoken with 6-7 dealers and my experiences have been all across the board per usual.
Of the 6-7 dealers, one worked out so I signed on Friday and pickup Tuesday.
3 of the dealers I’m still speaking with. The folks have been incredibly open and kind-you can tell they have a passion for their product. They have been getting so many calls from LHers and would prefer to nail their understanding down, then filter them through a single source if the deals are worthy of this crowd.
All of them but 1 have had trouble trying to validate the loaner mileage penalty though. It’s very interesting how this is all over the board, so I really don’t blame them. The Porsche docs I have say 1,000. The rep I trust the most and have a long-standing relationship with said he only sees 5,000. But, my local dealer spent a good bit of time to validate (I think) the 10,000. Contract hasn’t funded yet since I only signed yesterday so bubble guts until that happens.
Anyone have any info on Porsche tire / rim packages? Dealer was quoting $1900, curios if, like with BMW, there are any alternatives that may be less than ~1/3 of the one pay.
On a 12 month Macan lease, or something else.
I always check the replacement cost of 1 rim/tire and go from there. $1900 sounds , but depends on how much the shoes acutally cost.
12 month yeah… probably passing on it… 4k wheels but still don’t think it’s worth it.
The retail price of a replacement wheel is almost irrelevant. You either repair your original (damaged) wheel or you buy a used one if irreparable.
Yeah figured if they had to “sell” me on it it probably was just a money maker for them lol
are these macan deals achievable in MA?