2022 BMW 330ix in MA. Deal check. $560/month $0 DAS with trade 36/10

Deal check for 2022 BMW 330ix in MA.
Premium 2
Dynamic handling
Black Vernasca

Don’t use your trade equity as a down payment.

$0 DAS with no trade equity down bumps up monthly to $957.


Not just no, but hell no unless for some reason they’re over allowing on the trade by like 4K. And even then, take the check for the equity!
GIF by moodman


330 for 900 a month???

Ehh, not quite that drastic using rough math of 11x30 (330+560) but it’s not pretty either. Closer to $890/mo sign and drive.

@rahulbak. If you can sell your car outside and are willing to wait for a build we can set you up at 8% off whatever 330xi build you want, ships from Texas.

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Why not apply the trade valuation and finance a purchase?


I recommend checking out BMW of West Springfield, ask for Bryce he hooked me up pre-pandemic, worth a shot to see if he can beat this 10000%

If your looking for a bmw in MA - @Bostoncarconcierge is who you should be talking to/working with.

A herb chambers company?
Good Luck!

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I second West Springfield. Got a great deal pre pandemic - everything went well. My rep was Rachel.

Glad you’re asking before signing — do not sign this deal. You’re forfeiting your equity and paying for your sales guy’s vacation to the Maldives. Sell your car separately so you’re not applying your equity towards a lease down payment.

Can someone tell me what would be a typical deal be with $0 DAS and no trade in post-pandemic? I’ve been watching this space for quite some time and haven’t seen a deal that’s much better than this. Essentially, I need to know what would be a ballpark good deal.

I’ll do this deal. Add your TTL.


Agreed, OP - please talk to one of the brokers. A 330 isn’t an MSRP car, even in this environment.

There are no good deals. The RV and MF suck so it doesn’t really matter whether you eke out a few extra percentage points of discount.

Do you think anyone here leased Audis when their programs were bad?

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I always have better luck with HC of Boston. Let me know if you need a SA’s name there.

@rahulbak your best bet if you want this car is to go with @IAC

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Run from this deal. Check out BMW brokers in the “Marketplace”. What other BMW dealers have you contacted?

When I was shopping for my first lease 4 years ago, I had contacted a Herb Chambers BMW dealer in MA. It was a different market then, however, the offer I received on a 4 series was laughable. I have never purchased or leased a car from Herb Chambers.

Good luck in your search.

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Hey guys! Thanks for your inputs. First time lessee here and unfortunately I have signed this. Considering market conditions, I thought this deal was okay. Although the dealer has given me until Friday if I wanted to back out since I told him I was torn between this and a M235ix GC; and also since this will go into production in the week of 4/25. Considering this is a bad deal by LH standards, is it worth backing out now?. If a better deal is going to reduce my payment by only ~$50-60 pm, I don’t think I would consider it. Thoughts?