Even with all that it would be a challenge. I don’t buy it.
The RS3 is bad on the track. It’s an unbalanced car with excessive understeer.
Just drive-offs and msd’s
When I plug 12% into calculator with MSDs + OL and Loyalty I get substantially higher than 411 + tax. What am I missing here?
Lease cash
Numbers don’t add up even with 0 tax, 7 MSDs at buy rate, full $1k OL code, no dealer fees, and drive offs. Not at 12%…
Please post a calculator for your deals so others can use as a resource.
Pics of deal sheets or it didn’t happen. Smells like horsefeathers to me.
Roughly $2500 + MSDs DAS it looks like (still not bad considering your 10.25% tax rate)
Ill take it
Customer cash down 6.2K and msd of 3.5K? that’s almost 10K down, not pretty. although you get back the 3,5 but still 6.2K down is just way too much for a lease. but hey, you got the monthly you want congrats.
$4k of that $6200 is from the rebate. It’s still $2200 das though