2020 Bolt LT NJ $7360 One Pay 36mo/10k MSRP $40285

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Chevy Bolt LT
MSRP: $40285
Monthly Payment: $0
Drive-Off Amount: $7360
Annual Mileage:10k
Incentives: Costco $3000, GM lease cash $5750, Supplier pricing.
Region: NJ
Leasehackr Score: 50.1
Leasehackr Calculator Link: Here

After NJ EV credit, effective payment $66/month. If I had the $1.5k lease loyalty, this would have been a unicorn deal for NJ but this will be my first (but definitely not last) lease :grinning:. Thanks to @ElectricEliminator and to others on this forum. Most NJ dealers were difficult to work with and did not want to discount. Unfortunately the dealer has run out of them for this month, but he said he is getting more next month; will share their info if they are okay with it.

The car is great. It feels much more spacious sitting in it than it looks and the drivetrain is great. Base model speakers are fine in my opinion.


Enjoy it in good health! I may regret being greedy going after the Premier… add loyalty and my Buypower rewards to this and I’m in the ballpark of it being free.

Nice. A new discount benchmark for NJ, albeit for a LT.

Trying to gather data from those who have been successful in beating supplier pricing on a bolt in NJ.

My question is, how did you negotiate with the dealer? Email, Text, Phone or In Person?

I emailed then asking for 8% which they gave. Was able to negotiate for a little more off MSRP.

For everyone’s info dealer was Motion Chevy. Ask for Rob and you can reference this deal; no BS when I went to sign. He mentioned that someone was picking up the premier they have later this month for almost free after NJ rebate combining GM buypower rewards; looks like it’s still available in the website though.

Anything but in person.

What does supplier pricing mean? I’m new to leasehackr and hooding to get a bolt in Utah.

This was supposed to be me :joy:… I had been in touch with them earlier and left it as “If we need the sale and can stomach the front end loss we’ll do it at the end of the month”. After seeing this message I got back in touch with them and tried to seal the deal before someone bought it out from under me. We got close. I can vouch for Motion, they were very aggressive and didn’t try to BS me but at the end of the day the numbers came up a little short for my goal. Definitely worth contacting if you are interested.

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Basically if you are a teacher, first responder, military, recent college grad, or you work for a company that qualifies, you will get a discount off MSRP in addition to other incentives; I believe the dealer also gets cash from GM so both parties benefit.

Awesome I happen to work for a supplier company. Thank you! Looks like $1k off msrp from supplier discount for my bolt LT

Supplier discount on a bolt should be 3.2% off MSRP. Some have gotten another $300 off the doc fee.