I was originally looking into GLC43’s but they simply do not lease well at all. Especially compared to the BMW X3M which I’ve been test driving. It seems there is more room to deal with the X3M plus you’re getting more “car” with $10k more MSRP.
Im currently looking at a local Black/Orange 2020 X3M non-comp model – $80,545 MSRP.
I test drove the car and the dealer quickly gave me initial lease numbers as I was leaving (didn’t have time to work the deal the other day).
For 36 months / 10k miles per year they offered $849 per month (including tax) with $5,365.29 down.
I am going back tomorrow for another test drive and will sit down to work the deal. I didn’t get the MF/residual or MSRP discount numbers yet. I’ve heard of plenty of people getting 10-13% off MSRP before incentives. Ultimately I’d like to be at about $750 per month with $3,000 down.
Any thoughts on the deal and my target numbers? Any ideas how to get them to discount? They have 6 non-comp X3Ms on the lot which should help.
You really need to spend some time on here to figure out exactly what the numbers should be before going back to the dealer to “work the deal” otherwise you’re setting yourself up for failure. What is your $750 target based on?
There have been lots of X3M deals posted as well as several brokers that have ongoing X3M offers listed on their spreadsheets so it’s a relatively easy car to crack. 12% discount pre-incentive at buy rate MF is definitely your target, although not all dealers will play ball.
As to how to get them to discount, that’s easy, know your numbers and tell them where you need to be in regards to discount, MF, incentives, etc. and what the payment should be… If they won’t do it then thank them and contact another dealer.
X3 M is the competitor of GLC63 not the GLC43. You should read about Leasing 101 on the main page. You will understand number shopping is meaningless. Don’t go to the dealer until you agree on the price before. It doesn’t matter if they have 6 or 60 X3 M’s. You have to put your numbers on the calculator and see if your target is achievable.
That looks reasonable. Personally I never show the actual calculator but rather just say something like “with a 12% discount pre-incentive and base MF we should be at $750/mo” or the like and see where it goes. Just personal negotiating preference…
I got a WAYYY sweeter deal on mine through @nextlevelautobrokers on an X3M Competition model
$83,845 MSRP.
You should definitely reach out to him, as you’re in his region.
I think the comp is well worth the extra money, but to each their own.
You’re looking at a heavily loaded non-comp model. I don’t think that’s wise. If I were leasing the non-comp, get one with the MSRP in the low $70s
I think that inventory is running low so 11% off might not be replicable, but I did some quick math, and your numbers are attainable with a discount around 8% which might be possible.
I think you have a pretty reasonable budget ($750 with 3k down)
Also might help to clarify if you are talking about $3k down or $3k total out pocket.
This looks like it’s still above your “targeted”. Quote doesn’t seem to have MF also, so that could be driving a higher price. What’s the selling price prior to rebates?
As others asked was your $3k down towards lease out of pocket or total do at signing ? Your $750 target was with or without tax? At the end of the day if you’re cool spending that money then go for it.
Forgot to include those details. I confirmed the MF was .00118. I got them up to 8% off sticker before incentives. Total incentives $4,250 (bonus cash + conquest).
Thoughts? Might be able to squeeze a bit more
I was hoping for 750 with tax and 3k down plus first month.
In the calculator you posted on an earlier post you have taxes paid up front. I doubt you’re getting $750/mo with taxes. When you say $3k you’re saying this as in $3k towards the lease ON TOP of taxes, fees, first month? Many head will advise no money down. What about MSDs ?
Yes they need to be taxed, and probably yes on tax, need his exact location, but that sounds about right iirc taxation within a .5% or so, could be lower or higher I haven’t lived in NY since '16 (sales tax, not sure about lease tax).
With the info provided (which isn’t much) I got the following calculator that matches the dealer number fairly well. Even With max MSD you’re at $761/mo No tax and still $5,100 due at signing (including tax)… just go with a broker and you’ll come out ahead your putting almost half the amount out of pocket and will get the MSDs back where if you sign your deal that money is gone.
The dealer has you paying acquisition upfront also,
most likely to make the monthly optically lower. You’re shopping monthly and digging yourself a hole
Yes so your link is pretty much on par with the updated deal I got. I had a few errors on my first link when I just started to play around with the calc.
See link below, I just removed the dealer fee to 0 and the tax in NYC is 8.875%. Tax is paid upfront in NY in the total DAS as you see on the deal sheet. Below is the updated link which is pretty much on par with the deal. Good point on the acquisition fee up front. I think I would ask to push the acquisition fee into the monthly to lower the upfront cost and ask for $780 which lands at 10% off (see second calc link).
You’re still way higher than what you’d be at compared to a broker deal in the area. @nyclife and @nextlevelautobrokers have some awesome deals listed $100+ below what you have monthly and less down. If you’re cool spending it then again, go for it
There’s actually no dealer fee and the tax was incorrect on the calc he had shared. With zero dealer fee and correct tax, the numbers match up correctly.