I know the deal is still above where I would like to be. I’ve reached out to brokers to help out as well.
Make sure you do yourself a favor and use the brokers. I do not think this can be stressed enough. It really feels like you’re going to potentially pull the trigger on a car more expensive than what you can be getting. Then again, you’re looking at a loaded x3M essentially.
One week ago went into my BMW dealer to get 1st oil change on my X2 and left with a NEW X3M and got 20% off sticker which didn’t include the X2. Yes a little back and forth negotiations but still a sweet deal. And LOVING the car, only problem is you can’t push the car for the 1st 1200 miles.
Pre or post incentive? We don’t include rebates or incentives as discount here.
Maybe I was a bit stupid but all I was looking for was getting a bit better than 20% off list didn’t care how the dealer worked the deal. (Did not include my X2)
No, you’re not stupid. We just evaluate deals based on pre-incentive discounts.
Even if you had incentives built in, it sounds like you got a good deal. Enjoy the car in good health.
In this picture, DUE at signing is wrong to include rebate of 4250.
Your cash due should be 5183.06 - 4250 = 933.06