2020 BMW 740i xDrive MSport Package MSRP $95k


2020 BMW 740i xDrive MSport:
Location: PA

MSRP: $95K
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $743.12
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided):

Current mileage: 22,219
Maturity mileage: 40,623
Effective miles per month: 1415
Maturity date: 5/11/23

MSD due (if any): 0
Cash due (if any): $3500
Incentive for new lessee (if any):

Financial institution: BMWFS
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:

Mint Condition
White Exterior
Black interior
MSport Package
Garage Kept
Accident free


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Great deal for this market — GLWT

I would take it if you take off the 3500 due. Im in NJ

Im interested sent PM

I’m sure the car would be gone within 5 minutes if that was the case bud. 3,500 due across 13 months makes it an effective 1012+ tax payment with basically 18k miles left for the year.

This same car would go for over $300 more per month with the same structure in this market. Stay firm on that 3,500 OP, it’s a great deal even with that down.


can voucher for transferor, it was smooth sailing with the m8 swap
good luck with the car move

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I do wish op best of luck, You should post a picture of the sticker, it will help answer a ton of questions.

However, all perspective buyers should be mindful, if something happens(accident/whatever) to the car, you will not see a cent of any money down to the op. which makes it a bit risky.

What do you mean? If I pay for a transfer I wouldn’t give them the money until key exchange. Or it goes in escrow…

I assume he means the classic warning everyone on leasehacker gets when theirs a mention of putting money down on a lease, if it gets totaled on drive off you lose it all.

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God forbid, if there is an accident with the vehicle 2 days after the transaction, you are not going to get any value from the $3500 you paid to take over the lease. That’s what I mean.

Gotcha thought you meant if he crashes during the transfer!

Very true about losing the 3500 but these days that’s a small amount to put down on a good deal like this with a lot of miles left

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Whats buyout and can you send picture of sticker

@mohsinmian Im ready to start transfer process please reply to my Private messages been trying to reach you since the time you posted this.

Interested! Live in NJ, will give you cash for your down payment.

@mohsinmian Is this car still available?

LOL maybe he should pay you to take it off his hands…

Here’s where that laugh button would be warranted

Ahhhhh, humor… Always a welcome addition! :rofl:

Is this still available?