2019 XC90 T6 MOM [Loaner] $436/mo with $436 and 10 MSDs DAS

Good job Ursus on your lease deal, showing us all your strategy recommendations put to work, and thanks for sharing! If you were to do a 12k miles per year instead of 7.5k, how much (rough estimate) would your payment be and if you weren’t to do any MSDs also? I read somewhere that for luxury cars it would be + ~36$ to go from 7.5k miles/yr to 12k. If you could comment if that to be the case. Thanks

$514/mo in my case or $400/mo + tax + DAS

So are the XC90 loaners leading stronger than the XC60s or is it because I’m looking at Inscription trim on the XC60? I’d love a 90, but figured they’d be too far out of my price range. It seems like a higher sticker 90 might come out the same as a 60 based on what I’m seeing here.

Depends on the incentives. If I could get a 58-60K XC60 T6 loaner at 20% off then it would’ve been in $370-380 range with first month due and no MSDs, but there weren’t any ready that I wanted. The new ones were around $450/mo

There’s 2 or 3 dealers nearby that each have a few, and I can’t get anywhere with them. If I could get the kind of numbers you’re talking about I’d buy one today.

I didn’t even throw numbers at them, just requested a lease quote. One never replied and the other sent a form letter saying they wanted to have a phone call.

Where are you located? Requesting a quote over email is useless, IMO. Ask for a possible discount on a particular stock and do not be afraid to call or go to the dealership (if you know you can say “no” no matter what)
Edit: I started to sound like our professor Delta, sorry.


I’m in CT. I found one that I wanted at each dealer and did an inquiry stating that I’m looking to purchase an XC60 loaner and would like to see what type of deal they could offer. I suppose I’ll gave to swing by and have a chat.

I don’t have any concerns about getting lured into anything, fortunately. I’ve negotiated plenty of car deals, and have never had a problem walking away. I’ve never done a lease, however, and really have only ever bought Chrysler products. I’ve been in love with the new Volvos since they came out, but having just bought my first house and not wanting to put up a lot of cash I thought it wouldn’t be an option for a few more years. I came here for help getting a lease deal on a Jeep for a friend, saw threads like yours, and now I’m looking for a Volvo. Lol

Then just go there, talk and get acquainted, then take it from there. I’ve been in touch with @okboye for months, but have never met him because I did not want to drive 50+ miles one way just to maybe make a deal lol

great deal! sucks for us(VA) who has to pay stupid sales tax, then county tax, THEN property tax…

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Thanks. I appreciate the advice. There’s some nice ones at different dealers within 100 miles or so, but there’s one dealership nearby that has 3 that I can see myself driving. So, I think that’s the place to visit. I just need to do more reading here and understand what’s a reasonable goal so I don’t look like a clown. I put stuff in the calculator but I don’t think it’s right because it’s much less than I would have ever thought possible.

Take your time and read. There is a lot of info here.

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This is probably a total noob question, please feel free to bash me and send me to google or another post, etc, but how do I find out the what the lower MF will be after Max MSDs? Thanks!

For Volvo it’s 0.00005 for each MSD. In this case: 0.00148 - (0.00005x10) = 0.00098

Cool, thank you!

It’s also $3,000 dollars for the XC90 on a demo/loaner. I know this because my dealer told me and wrote it down for me. So for a demo/loaner this month in Texas you can get $4000 lease cash on Inscription or R-Design (only 3k on Momentum) and an additional $3000 incentive for opting for a loaner. That’s 7 grand worth of incentives to use to drive that MSRP down!

It is not an incentive, it’s dealer’s cash that he may or may not give you, unlike customer facing Volvo allowances.

Ursus: I have two questions for you.

  1. The dealer gave you the 3K loaner bonus but he applied that to the MSRP. Yet the dealer applied the 3K Volvo Lease incentive AFTER he had already discounted the car by 20%. At the end of the day the goal is the same: getting the MSRP as low as possible so it shouldn’t matter where the incentives are applied? Or does it? I ask because I’m having difficulty negotiating with dealers to discount the listed MSRP of a loaner car by 16%+ as you recommend and only applying the Volvo cash incentives afterwards. They keep trying to apply the incentives first so that they can keep their profit. How did you get around that?

  2. You write that the dealer gave you “all amortization for whatever time [the loaner vehicle] was in service”. I am familiar with the term amortization in a finance sense, but how are you using that word when applied in the case of a lease? Are you talking about the correction to the residual for having a high mileage vehicle? Did the dealer just wave his magic wand and make this disappear from the sales contract? Or are you talking about the 3K loaner bonus that the dealer gets from Volvo for having the vehicle punched?

You’ve been EXTREMELY helpul to me and a lot of people on this forum. I’ll post my results when my deal goes through, too. Thank you!!

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Every dealer I talked to includes that in their discount and was surprised/offended when I mentioned it specifically.

Loaner cash and amortization was part of the 20% discount, that’s why I said I wasn’t sure what the loaner cash was on XC90. Then all available Volvo allowances and loyalty. Basically, after I asked what he could do on that particular stock number he replied “$16,000 off including incentives”. After that it is simple math.
If you get 16% off then you basically get 3k loaner cash, but not amortization (which is the cash dealers receive on loaners for every month in service).
Lease contract includes only the selling price, nothing else (in my case).