IMO whether a trade was involved should be mentioned in the template.
Even if no equity was applied into the deal, a dealer’s motivation to discount the new car could potentially be increased by a potential profit on the trade.
IMO whether a trade was involved should be mentioned in the template.
Even if no equity was applied into the deal, a dealer’s motivation to discount the new car could potentially be increased by a potential profit on the trade.
Agree in principle. They actually didn’t know about the trade. We agreed on the terms and then trade was essentially surprise upon arrival.
You bastard, , I hope you got fair value and more than carvana offered.
Yep, Carvana, vroom and shift bailed on any offers for cars over 50k after covid hit. So my only option was selling myself or trading in at the dealer. Their offer was within 5k of the price I failed to sell myself for about last 1 year and given covid effect, I thought it was reasonable.
Please continue stress testing. Your scenarios will make me better going forward. Appreciate time and energy. Perhaps you could work on delivery of the message though. We are all just enjoying the hobby here and bouncing ideas to get better.
Wait you found a matching baby seat for your g wagon, I’m legit impressed now…
All I can say is congrats. Great looking car.
Nicely done! Enjoy
It’s a beauty. If I didn’t just lease my Acura MDX in December and wasn’t tight on funds, I would definitely pull the trigger on this instantly. Did you have to utilize any loyalty on this? Maybe if things turn up better for me in a year, I’ll consider this. Congrats!
This car ended up sitting in the garage since December since we had second kid and Model X seemed like a better fit.
What do you all recommend? I can sell it to dealer for basically zero out of pocket or keep paying about 780 monthly and 200 for insurance. Given how crazy prices are, I am worried i might need a car in a year or 15 months and I will pay the same for a Camry.
I’d recommend you transfer the lease to me
Mercedes doesn’t allow transfers otherwise I would have posted with 20k down payment and it would have transferred quick.
$20k down payment— what are you smoking??
You can get a new one — you know the updated one for $1,100
$20k down — gimme a break son!!!
Show me where you can get that:)
Do your searches son! $20k phsss - shortage getting to peoples heads
I am not arguing with you fwiw. Asking for advice instead. The transfer with down is hypothetical anyways.
You might need a car, how certain are you?
In a year or 15 months how many months will be left on this lease? 6-9 months?
You’re talking about spending $10-12,000 plus $2,400-3,000 in insurance just to have the optionality to continue this lease for another 6-9 months… that’s one expensive option.
It would be much cheaper to put down a small deposit a few months from now on an ordered car estimated to arrive in 12-15 months from today. Walk away if you don’t need it, much cheaper optionality.
Thank you! This makes the decision pretty obvious!