2019 S450 4MATIC, $106k MSRP, $726 + tax, $820 DAS, no MSDs

Not a loaner

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Mercedes S450 4Matic
MSRP: $106160
Monthly Payment: $ 793 (bay area tax included)
Drive-Off Amount: $820
Annual Mileage:7500
MF: 0.00071
Residual: 51%
Incentives: don’t know
Region: Bay Area
Leasehackr Score: 11.9 years
Leasehackr Calculator Link:



Nicely done, great car! Just out of curiosity, why no MSDs?

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Nice work on the S


Probably because money factor is already very low

He could have done 9 or possibly 10 MSD depending on what their minimum is.

ROI remains the same whether you do 10 starting at .00500 or 6 starting at .00045

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Have more leveraged opportunities for cash and didn’t want to lose the appeal for potential transfer in the future.


There’s a 7500 incentive on 19 S class and 8000 if you have fleet.
Just posting to let other know that its not a 28% discount before anything.


Still 20%ish. This is a great deal any way you spin it. Fees don’t feel right @ 100 flat, but whatever.

Congrats, this is much different than my Aston. :slight_smile:


This is walnut creek right? I think same dealer I got my a class. Dealer told me that they have trunk cash from Mercedes this month to move 19s

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Absolutely still a great deal but this was just to put it out there before people start posting on how he got 28% off on a S class and trying to replicate it next month when that incentive might not be there lol


Great job and really nice car!

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Lol still bummed it didn’t workout with your Aston. They took my g63 as a trade in, which was a nice bonus for a transaction.

My bad. I forgot the exact fee breakdown. They also in a way made them up (recall one of them being negative :grinning:) to work backwards from the monthly and das I provided to them.

I’m saying this a lot, but legal looting my friend, enjoy that S class luxury!

You traded a G63 for this? Omg. Why?

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Can you share me the dealer info?

Have you ever driven a G63 on the highway, over imperfections, or flyover ramps? They’re great cars to have - for a few months…

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Your observation is absolutely correct + gas mileage + warranty was coming to an end + family doesn’t like it + new model came out so actually started depreciating like a normal car and then selling luxury used car during COVID adds complexity. Still love the G and would buy one if the right one comes around. This was my third in a row, time to switch it up and enjoy the long family trips induced by COVID.