2019 Hyundai Ioniq Plug-In Hybrid Base. As/of 01/08/2020

What part doesn’t make sense? The numbers I posted, or the calculator?

For the calculator, I never quite know which parts of rebates or incentives get knocked off the MRSP, what counts as a taxable incentive, or what counts as a non-taxable incentive.

For the numbers they gave me - I don’t yet have a breakdown of the “discount” or “rebate.”

Your calc looks good, the DMV part change to $455.75.
They might included acq fee in the drive off but then the payment should go down to 107 before tax and ~2500 due at sign.
Maybe you can email the sells person and have them send over the detail.

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This is roughly what I’ve seen too - but actually been quoted a little more. 129 monthly. Are you SoCal or NorCal? The guy is trying for a dealer swap for mine, which might be why it’s higher (they’re out of the EV models). My 0 DAS goes to 202 monthly.

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Went to dealer in CA for this car, dealer advertise $50 GC for test drive. It’s been two hours, how long does it take for the GC to arrive. I am still waiting for a good quote, their quote at dealership was ridiculous.

Does the $14500 discount the dealer is offering include the $7500 federal tax rebate?

Yes, Fed Rebate goes to the owner which is leasing company in this case

So who has driven one…what can you compare it too?

You mean we need to actually drive it? I thought all that mattered was LH score of 50?


I think we need to ban @vhooloo no one has that much time during the work day for this much sarcasm. This has to be the Russian bots that stole Hillary’s emails.


I was thinking of asking how it drove, but at this price, What difference does it make?!

Hilary 2020.


Oh she’s running again for sure…there already firing up the engines parading her around.

As a Hyundai salesman, I have plenty of time and still make good money stealing rebates :slight_smile:

GC can take a week or more. It depends on when the dealer puts in your visit into the computer.

What do you guys think?

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Just scooped a limited for myself for $160 and a base for the parents for $90

Update: Got some pm’s these are true sign and drives, just 35 payments remaining.

We have 16500 in rebates in NY so unless you get a deeper discount then 7% it won’t be close to my numbers.


Very fair. Take it


How are you getting the rebate up to $16000? My offer in CA was at $12,000.
Is there something specific I can ask that they toss in?

It’s regional. We got the short end of the stick this time in CA.

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This thread should be displayed somewhere as epitome of a broker life :slight_smile:)

550 messages on a $90pm car with about 6 confirmed purchases. :joy: