2019 BMW x7 x40i - IL


I didn’t tell them of any rebates though and I don’t qualify for any

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I will however get the ol code on Thursday for attending the summer event, which I plan to use with the dealer and I haven’t told him that yet.

Well I’m not sure if I will get the code by Friday as I plan to pick up the car then. Would you know ?

Make sure it doesn’t exclude X7…
And I guess it is a legit 11.1% since you don’t have loyalty.

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Pretty sure OL code isn’t valid on the X7.


Hmm, there goes my smily face. I guess I can sign up for bmw cca and get the rebate Cheque, I guess that’s a win lol

Any one have a code I can use bahaha

Summer On OL code can’t be used on the X7, 8 series, M2, M5 and expire 9/30.

Damn :frowning: so I guess I won’t go to even waste my time.

Good deal :blush:

OP latest sheet has 11.1% discount no incentives applicable. New also eligible for $1,000 rebate check from BMWNA through BMWCCA.

Considering no markup and that discount this is currently a good deal (I’d still hold out for 12% since OP has gotten this far…)

Do what you gotta do, you seem to know what you want, Id push for $1000 if you tell them youll come in today to sign and take the X7 and maybe meet in the middle at 500 or 700 (which will give you the magical 12%).

You’ve done great from where you started.

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Right, and what I haven’t told so far is that they are also throwing in the mats, and the cargo mat in with the car, after I asked. So that’s another $500.

He literally says that he is done with the numbers and the only reason he is doing the deal is because we have worked at it for so long and he doesn’t want to loose out.

Plus I sort of feel bad for the guy, he went high up the BMWFS chain to get me approved for a credit when they had some stipulations.

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So youre getting it for the deal? Realistically its only 20 bucks saving a month on a 1K a month. Post pictures!

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Haha, should I push him more? My heart says to just stop and go for it.

He is a really nice guy, he is the GM of that dealership and really looking after me.

He says he has never seen a deal like this before in his 16 years with bmw and is already underwater with it, and not making any profit/money on the deal, not that I believe him.

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Its up to you, is $20 bucks worth loosing the deal over and possibly the car? You can try to push him for the 12% if you go in and sign today.

It does help youre getting the all weather stuff.

Yah, the amount of time I have wasted to go and forth for a week and half, it is prolly not worth saving an extra $20 a month.

Plus he is also aware that I can’t pick up the car until vroom picks up my Audi, which is in the process.

He did say that my credit app was good for 60 days, but the deal is good for until end of the month.

I am either looking to pick the car up this weekend or early next week.

This may technically be true. The one he sold last week for less was a different color and had the BMW first aid kit.

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Where were you getting this info from lol

Perhaps I misjudged when I omitted the emoji at the end.

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Whens Vroom picking up the Audi?

I just sent the spare key yesterday which should arrive in Texas today. I am hoping the next step is when a carrier will call me to pick up the car, so no idea how long that would take.

Edit: so I’m most likely going to put in a refundable deposit today for the car, and pay the rest of the cash due on signing when I pick up the car. Let’s see!