2019 BMW 430xi loaner question

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Hi hackers. I have a question about a 2019 430xi loaner car.
Do you guys think it is reasonable and realistic to ask for 20.8% off msrp prior to any debates and incentives on a 2019 430xi loaner with 4,650 miles? I live in NJ but the dealer is located in PA.
Yesterday I saw a PA dealer, they had $40,999 online price on that 430xi (original msrp $49,935). I did my math and found it was 17.9% off. Then I asked politely to see if they can do around 20.8% off, and that was $39,500. Then it really surprised me, they agreed without any hesitation, and gave me a lease quote. Then I found the problem, that $40,999 online price and $39,500 selling price they would like to give, was after $4,750 leasing credit. So it was only 9.2% off msrp on their original online price, and 11.3% off after my asking, lol.
So do you guys think it is reasonable and realistic to ask for at least 20% off on a bmw loaner car over 4,500 miles? I have a long list of dealers, they all have retired loan over 4,500 miles, if that PA dealer doesn’t work.

Here is my deal earlier this month, the answer is yes:

You forgot to mention the vehicle you got had an exception and had repaired damage…

True - but it says all that right in my post…
But I think for OP 20% on a BMW 2019 430 loaner with 4650 miles on it before rebates is an acceptable discount. I was just using mine as comparisson.

Going to be hard this month, was much easier pre enhanced lease cash, you should aim anywhere between 16-20% pre incentives, try to find a dealer with large inventory and 99% of time online advertised prices have leasecash built in if not loyalty as well

Here is my deal

Again this was before enhanced lease cash so dealer discount was much steeper than what I am seeing these days

The best I have been able to get around NC area on a normal loaner is 15% with high miles. I got close to 20% on one that was in a decent sized accident and they were jacking up the MF to the max. Neither would accept an OL code. Don’t forget, the adjusted residual on loaners takes a toll, so you need a bigger discount just to get it on par with a new one, not even taking into account the additional wear and tear. More rebates this month seems to be making deals worse.

Hi hackers, pls give me some advice about how to improve.
loaner 2019 bmw 430xi
msrp: $49935
selling price: $41500
monthly: $360
DAS: $3,200. Including acquisition fee, NJ up front tax and all fees, first month
Only qualified for college grad
How to improve hackers?

Keep your related posts in the same thread.

Got it. Thanks!

Get base MF (.00165) , 7 MSDs and 0 drive off
Updated your link with the above included

For a 24 month lease to make sense you have to do all the above + waive acquistion and get a 20% discount

Thanks for the advice.