2019 BMW 430i GC - $375/m 30 months 30k miles

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 BMW 430i GC
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

Effective monthly payment: $375/m
Current mileage: 6000
Maturity mileage: 36000
Effective miles per month: 1000
Maturity date: 30 months
Residual Value: $30,604

MSD due (if any): 0
Cash due (if any): 0
Incentive for new lessee (if any): 0

Financial institution: BMW
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: none
Rotors and pads were replaced by BMW 2 months ago.
Car is still under factory Warranty till lease end.

Ext color Glacier Silver Metallic
Int color Black Dakota Leather

Beautiful car, great deal!!


Rear rotors need to be resurfaced. GLWT.

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What? Those rotors look perfect.


I’d like to grab it up

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Not at all. Car is mint.

Okay. Do you want to message me privately when you have time?

No really they do, they’re grooved. Just an FYI before the grooving gets to the point that the rotors need to be replaced.

Correction: Rotors hand pads have been replaced by BMW 2 months ago.

Yes BMW will replace rotors/brake pads under warranty If there is issue with it.

Glad you had BMW replace rotors and pads. This can happen when new cars have been sitting on the lot subject to weather conditions. My friend bought a brand new bmw with less than 100 miles that had been sitting on outdoor bmw lot for 10 months. They replaced his rotors and pads without any issues. Car is under warranty so no worries.

Great deal! Can’t even lease a decent Camry for this much. Some one will be lucky to snag this deal, ESP with M sport package!

I couldn’t of explained it any better. That’s exactly what happened.

Probably wanna take new pics, I can still see it in the pic you didn’t delete :slight_smile:

Willing to do out of state lease transfer as long as buyer pays for shipping.

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Please provide the MSRP and Residual Value. Also, do you have the Sticker? picture. interested for my family member located in Richmond, VA. considering purchase after lease period.

I’ll save you the trouble - the residual is going to be 10-15% higher than the actual value.

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Updated post with better pics, window sticker and added residual value: $30,604

Bump! Still available for lease. Come and get it!

Very nice car and excellent payment. Should go quick … GLWT.