2019 BMW 330i Deal review

Hello -

I’m currently working on a deal for a 2019 NEW BMW 330i XDrive. This is what I have so far can you pleas advise; also I can’t get the calculator to match the offer. Thanks in advanced for your guidance; this my first BMS and lease.

MSRP - 50435
Selling Price 45931.50
1000 Down
1871 Due on Delivery
12K miles/yr
2250 in incentives
Monthly Payment with Tax - 460.73 36mo lease

I got this deal from the dealer, but it the Leasehackr calc does not show the same numbers. Is this a calc error on the website? Payment from dealer with tax is 460.72 and Leasehackr is 477

I don’t see how anybody can help unless you provide the dealer worksheet for comparison.

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Please don’t make duplicate threads

Sorry, but I wanted this to be specific to the calculator not the deal. Thanks

The screen shot is the dealer worksheet. What else would be needed?

Is your tax rate 6% as you entered into the calculator? Methinks not.

Also your calculator drive off is $2,340 yet the dealer sheet is $1,871.95.

Enter the numbers into the calculator correctly for best results.

Ok, I think I updated it but the amount is even higher on the calc. Any help greatly appreciated.

Now it’s even more incorrect. Take your time and study the numbers.

Ack sorry I didn’t see you had a $1000 DP in there. Why are you doing that? So drive-off is $2871.95 including the $1k DP, which is pretty close to your calculator. But yeah the payment is off.

You’ve got $944 dealer fees - I only see $144 doc fee on your sheet.

Yes drive off is 2871 with the 1000 down. I put 1000 down just to lower the payment. 1871 is the is comprised of the doc fee, the 144 and the 925 fee. I just can’t get the calculator to match what the dealer is offering and I’m curious to why. Also wondering if the deal is good or not. Thanks

Here it is with the calculator basically matching. I adjusted the downpayment to normalize the DAS:

I mean obviously $144+ $925 does not equal $1871, so it seems like there is additional cap cost reduction (down payment).

We strongly advise not to make any down payment in case the vehicle is totaled or stolen. Put the cap cost money into a savings account and draw from it every month, unless your DTI is so bad that you actually need to lower monthly payment, in which don’t lease a BMW :slight_smile:

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I don’t have to put the 1000 down, but the 1871 = 1st payment, 925, 144, and tag and reg fees.

This car is significantly less than my past car so all is good, but just really would like to know if the deal is good or not.

Ah okay. What region are you in? 10% off on a new in stock is not very competitive.

PA 18040 - 2019 I pushed for 13% but couldn’t get it.

calculator almost match dealers number:

Cool, can you further explain MSD and how do you know what value to put here?

Tweak msd to match your number!

Cast a wide net in the NY/NJ area and email all dealers with in-stock units that match what you’re looking for. Your locations gives you access to getting the best deals on your own without shipping.

The brokers in the marketplace forum are offering 3 series demos around 16% off and new 3 series around 12% off. So those are very attainable numbers. There are also a couple east coast BMW dealers on here that you can give a quick shout to see if they need to move a 3 series by the end of the month, like @BMWPros and @bretbmw

Please search regarding MSD.