Rams website isn’t very intuitive to see what all rebates are available. Did you just have to contact the dealer or did you find them all online somewhere?
I used their website and edmunds.com initially but the dealer was the best. They WANT to sell you a vehicle. They will get you every single rebate you qualify for because it really helps them and you in the end.
Great deal OP. Incentives in my region look to be $7k, so 3250 worse than yours. I guess manufacturers in the SE have no issues selling trucks as rebates have been much worse on Tundra/Ram/F150.
$6k here ($4750 Lease cash + $500 CC Bonus + $750 Bonus), then another $1k for lease conquest - would need them to supply a few coupons. Missing out on $1k 10 days to deal and $1750 (MA BC is $1750 ($7250 - 5500) more than my bonus cash). Congrats again on the great deal.