2018 Infiniti QX60 AWD Premium Plus - MSRP $51,310 16% Off. $358/mth with $1200 MSD and VPP. 39/10K. $397/Mth with $1200 MSDs. Zero Down - NJ/CT/PA

Hi HN308,

How do I get into contact with you?


I have PMd you dealer info. If you have any particular question about the deal which you need to discuss with me than feel free to PM.


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Please pm me the dealer info in nj for premium plus

Hi interested in this. I’m in IL can I get this same deal? Currently have a 2017 qx60 would like another

Can you PM me dealer’s contact? Thanks.

Just curious if this deal has changed for May?

The Edmund’s guys are quoting the same MF and RV for May leases (assume they are using May numbers because they actually posted yesterday, usually they will delay to 2nd or 3rd before answering). Now just need to wait to see if Infiniti adjusted their floorplan rates for May (or if dealers old enough qx60s last month to back off on aggressiveness).


I have a lease locked in with max MSDs of $3,600 to bring MF to .00001. Would a lesser amount accomplish the same MF? if so, how much/many MSDs?


MF is just one piece of the puzzle. There is residual, customer incentives and dealer incentives that get the whole deal done. They change from month to month so you have to compare the whole picture.

I have not got the exact deal pitched to me for this month. They are working internally to come up with a deal that will be competitive. Once I have it, you will see it here. you can than compare it with what you have with last months numbers.

If they are charging you base MF of 0.00085, then 8 MSDs takes MF down to 0.00005 (0.0001 each). The 9th MSD only drops it from 0.00005 to 0.00001 - so has less impact on the monthly than the other 8.

How much does 1 MSD drop the money factor by?

For Infiniti, its 0.0001 per MSD, one of the more generous MSD programs.

It’s the most generous AFAIK. Infiniti gives you 10 “points” off while Toyota gives you 8, Mercedes 7 and Volvo 5.

Thank you. When I change the MSDs on the calculator and MF from . 00001 to .00005 it does not change the payment. Does that mean I can put fewer MSDs down and still achieve the same payment?

The payment doesn’t change because the change in interest is so small.

Also, with Infiniti, if you are at mf=0.00005, msd cannot make it go lower. Each msd subtracts 0.0001 and cannot go below zero.

Wow… Then I might be able to get away with 8 MSDs instead of 9 and still keep the same payment. I’ll talk to dealer in the morning and see if this is ture.

Example: mf for my car was 0.00065. I could only do a maximum of 6 msd to get to 0.00005.

Good to know. Thank you.

The Edmund’s guys have a good answer when @brunot99 asked over there. Their math doesnt quote match up with mine, but close enough to illustrate the point.

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