2018 BMW X5 $537/mo , 36/10k - $794 DAS

Got this deal over the Labor Day weekend from our favorite BMW forum poster @BMW_Dave!

Most likely cannot replicate the deal and I’m sure the numbers have changed for September now.

2018 BMW, X5:

MSRP: $ 59,645
Selling Price: $ 48,357 (18.92% off)
Monthly Payment: $ 537 including 9.5% tax
Cash Due at Signing: $ 794
Incentives: Loyalty + Costco

Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: Standard
Residual: $34,232

Region: West Coast

Here’s a shot from the front and a cringe-worthy vertical Snap from my brother.


great car and awesome deal, congrats! would definitely be interested if the same deal can be done

great deal !

was this a loaner ?

Don’t think it was a loaner. Odo seems to have about 320 miles unless I missed a number before the 3.

And the legend becomes an OP!

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Nice deal. Phantom strikes again

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nice… I need one!!!

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Damn, that’s a smoking deal. Ridiculous discount from MSRP, especially for a non-loaner vehicle. Nice work!!

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I think Phantom’s fleet may be larger than Jay Leno’s now…

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Congrats! Is it a sDrive? Or xDrive?

MSRP tells me it’s an RWD S drive - base car

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Do you know the Money Factor for your lease? Thanks.

Not the ODO, I think that’s the fuel range.

@nyclife: Can you do something similar on a X5 in the Northeast :laughing:?

Nice deal OP!


Can you pm me the dealer details? :grin:

Nice get! Congrats!

Based on residual provided looks like there was about 4k miles on the car, amazing deal nonetheless, congratulations!

Edit: Sorry 3800


Are you saying that Phantom leased a car with farts? He lost my respect :joy:


Alright guys I see everyone getting worked up. It was a loaner with about 4,300 miles on the ODO.

It’s an sDrive X5 and it drives great. For the last X5 of this design to roll out of the factory they’ve gotten everything right.


When it’s from the Trusted you they just bustin your balls :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just want clarify I had a great existing relationship with the dealer so that’s how I swung this discount.

I think this can be replicated with other X5’s they have at 13-14% off MSRP.