MSRP - $58,560
Sale Price - $54,628 (6.7% discount)
Incentive - $2,000 lease cash
Drive off - $1,561 ($739 first mo pmt + $822 licensing)
$925 Acq Fee
$399 Doc Fee
$651 “Other” Fees (backed into on the calc; need to get clarification but perhaps tax on incentive?)
60% RV
0.00156 MF
36/12k lease
Monthly payment = $739
In my head I was targeting 10+% off MSRP for an all-in monthly payment of around $650. Think I can get there or am I dreaming of getting such a discount?
739 is too expensive for a 3 serie. I think there is more room to negotiate, you might need to research the forum more.
There are some loaner 340 going for 440 a month… some people doesnt want loaner or demo car, they might follow the 1 percent rule which is monthly payment included tax shoudnt be more than 580 in your case with this car.