2017 Volvo S90 T6 Inscription Deal in Work

I have a job, believe it or not :slight_smile: Just played with the numbers and at 12% discount before incentives I get $350/mo incl. tax on full selling price, $3K Costco and $1K loyalty and no MSD on 36/10, but I’d go for 7.5

So put MSD and 7.5 and you can get 299 lol :slight_smile:
And use your BMW for conquest :slight_smile: he he he

I would need to roll everything in with only first month due. It’s $315/mo with tax, 7.5K and 5 MSD :slight_smile:

How do you guys negotiate these 10-12% discounts? That seems to be my issue.

Guess they have to want it. First offers are always a joke. When you say we’re not even close, they’ll usually do a little better. Then you go after all of the numbers, question it all.

I’m sure it’s different by location but I got to 12% on base T5s real easy and in person. T6 was harder but it wasn’t painful. Let them have a few shots, show them you’re into the numbers and not a push over, be ready to walk and in the end, I just said out what I wanted and said I’d buy right then if you hit it. Didn’t quite get to my target but close enough.

Shoot crazy numbers at them and tell them you’re serious. All they can say is no.

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Not sure if you have mentioned it, but what part of the country is this at?

Just calculate everything based on 12% off on a car from their stock, tell them you want $XXX selling price before any incentives with no mark up on MF for $YYY monhtly and that you will sign today

I am down to $426 a month tax included, $1000 due at signing. T6 AWD, 63K MSRP. 36 months, 7500.


Kansas City

I haven’t asked for permission to share anything but there’s only one dealer in the KC area, so… :wink: Don’t tell anyone I sent ya.

I did find it helpful to talk selling price before incentives but I found it important to focus on monthly at the end of the day. They found wiggle room in the acq fee and somehow played with the taxes on incentives and how they were capitalized. You can try focusing on each one of those, I suppose, but the monthly is the end game anyway, so… my .02

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These are some great deals.

If anyone is interested, my local dealer still has two demos in stock. One T6 (MSRP 66K) and one T5 (MSRP 60K). I don’t need another car otherwise I might have tried to get the elusive 399 including tax on the T6. They have had it listed on their website for quite some time, so it might be possible.

Of course, you’ll want to be from outside of GA due to our stupid tax rules that run through 12/31.

So…still on topic but in a different direction…

I passed on the excess wear and tear package they offer. Was $895, they wouldn’t capitalize it so you would only have to pay 100%-RV on it, so it would have added like $28 to the payment.

Anyone done a lease turn in for Volvo? How tough are they? I’m looking at those 20" Pirelli summer tires on this thing. Praying they don’t need replaced before 36k. :anguished:

Yeah, 20" is a bummer. You have 12K/year, but they may not last 20K miles.

I’m 12k/yr.

So it may be a smart play anyway. If they’ll need replaced during the lease term, the W&T wouldn’t have helped out anyway.

Do you have a lot of used tire dealers near you? They usually require only about 3/32 tread depth at turn in.

Yep, edited… :slight_smile:

421* tax included. Pre tax payment is 385 a month, its that California tax putting me at 421.

Move to Montana :slight_smile:

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You think there is anything more that possible? I am feeling like the 421 is as low as I can get for that car at this point.

Factoring the reduced miles, your deal is along the OP inscription deal. so it is up to you in you want to invest the time and effort chasing that mega deal

