I’m able to get 10% off or a little more on a 2017 RX 350AWD f sport …Do you think the discount should be the same on the GX 460…? Because I haven’t got close to that yet.
No, the volume targets are much more aggressive on RX than GX and the segment ist more competitive. The GX is at a price point well below the equivalent BMW and MB so the dealers have no problem selling the GX without dropping the selling price.
@RVguy ok ! Thanks so very much. I did just get 10% off a luxury GX 460. I seem to be getting the best deals on Lexus. I know some are saying it’s dated , but it does seem to be a good vehicle and reliable! I will always take any advice! Thanks again
Great job! Just out of curiosity, what state are you in?
@rvguy PA… just got 10%?on a Infiniti QX 80 too. Idk what to do!!!
There was a deal end of last year where the GX was only about $50-60 more than an RX. May not have the same options but it is a much larger vehicle. This is also NY so the taxes are higher
Dee. Not to confuse even more but in Southern California, I was able to get 12% even without asking. Not what the market is like in PA.
Below is a local email deal for QX80. MSPR on these are around $67,000 so it’s a base model. Not sure if this is a good deal but just so you can reference and compare.
Oh wow! Thanks ! I was getting that only with all MSD.
Thanks! Appreciate the information. It does seem to be a good deal. I’m a newbie here . I feel that if I didn’t have someone tell me about this forum…well I’d be an idiot…thinking I was getting a good deal.
ive been waiting for this car to go 0 drive off 600 aftertax a month for 15k/yr
impossible : (