Update on 02/16 - This deal is not active as of now. All the people who I have sent the dealer Info should not contact the dealer anymore or respond to him unless he gets closer to numbers offered last month as nothing much has changed about factory support on these leases.
I posted the deal of the car I got last month and it got some attention so I thought to share this deal I have for month of Jan. As of now it is good till end of the month but if residual and MF remain same for next month I see no reason it won’t be available then.
I have been negotiating with the dealer for friend this month and its the best I got in January without using any VPP code which I used last month.
MSRP - $46,100
MF : 0.00003
residual 51% for 39 months
10K per year.
Taxes can be rolled in or you pay extra.
1st month due at signing and the actual cost of DMV.
Monthly payment $308.58
I did some reverse engineering to come up with the sales price which is $34777. This is discount on MSRP of 24.5% which is not a bad discount and you can get that without any haggling.
The value of VPP codes are different and depends if you have A, B or C code. From my own experience I had a VPP-A which was worth $1250 so that would be worth 32 bucks a month in discount.
Great - thank you for the heads up! Do you happen to know of the 2.0’s have the same residuals as the 3.0’s? I think I could get away with just the 2.0 and I’d rather spend the extra money on the 2.0t sport model.
Contacted my local dealer and they wouldn’t budge at all besides the initial discount and incentives they showed which was about 9k. Like they wouldn’t even consider lowering the price
I received numbers from a local dealer - they were for the sport model and not the premium. This is my first time calculating lease numbers by hand, so I’m sure I did something incorrect as I’m not getting to the same number as the dealership. Anyone care to review the numbers to let me know where I could improve the deal (other than getting a lower selling price) or let me know what I may have calculated incorrectly? The money down covers all the fees and 1 month of payment at the rate they calculated.
I’m assuming that I should not have listed the down payment including the first month payment or any of the fees.
(also sorry - don’t mean to hijack thread - just didn’t know if this was better suited adding on to this thread or posting a new one)
It is not clear what you are suggesting. You are being told that there is 9K in incentives but you are offered a little less than 5K in discount compared to MSRP.
Also they don’t pay invoice price to procure the vehicle let alone MSRP.
So pretty much what you should ask for is 9K below invoice which will bring your selling price in line with mine which is around 11.3K below MSRP.
I just ask for the factory incentive available to dealers for a particular month and than deduct it from invoice price. In Jan it was around 8-9K depending on the model so that gets me to around 25% discount.
I feel they have priced Q50 way to high and have to than discount it to move more units. If this same car was priced around 40K the discount wouldn’t be much more than 5K effectively bringing the selling price in same territory.
Look at my other thread from December when I got my own car for $298 with tax included.
Now the dealer knows me well and gives me the best price upfront without any haggling.
I need to know the exact MF and residual to tell you if this is a good deal or not. Based on my calculation there is a down payment or a cap cost reduction involved to get this monthly payment and I am absolutely against it.
Savings of $10,335 is not that great provided there is almost 9-10K factory incentive on the 2.0T. You should get at least 2K more in discounts as the 2.0T doesn’t sell much and if this is 1st offer you got via email than you can get that much reduction for sure.
Also when did you get this offer also makes a difference. if you got it last few days of Jan things might be different now.
Also with Q50 leases don’t bother with MSD as the MF is so low that monthly interest is less than $2 dollars.
Get the exact breakdown and let me know and we will help you here to put togather a good deal.