2016 Volvo S60- Lease deals

Looks like there are some good deals to be had on S60’s interested in the numbers and lease cash available. If you’ve recently leased an S60 feel free to share your deal

Location: VA

Models and terms

Cross Country
24 months

24 months 12k

S60 r-design
24 months 12k

All lease cash is listed on Volvo web site, just read fine print. On Inscription it’s $9,500 and probably loyalty/conquest also on top of that.

Does anyone have the Residuals on the 2016 Volvo S60’s, Either the Inscription, or the T-5 Drive E Premier FWD on 24 mos with 12K & 15K miles?

2016 Volvo S60 Cross Country
24/12k: 59%; .00126
24/15k: 57%; .00126

2016 Volvo S60 Inscription T-5 Drive-E Premier FWD
24/12k: 52%; .00001
24/15k: 50%; .00001

2016 Volvo S60 R-Design FWD
24/12k: 53%; .00001


Newbie here. I’m not able to find $9,500 listed on offers here. http://www.volvocars.com/us/shopping-tools/shop/offers/national#regional-disclaimer

Can you please send me the link you are looking at.


That was for VA/DC area. It may be different for your location. It is right under S60 lease offer, not the all way down. There is also loyalty/conquest available, if you are qualified.


Cross country 2016 s60 leased for 230 a month, 0 down, noorwood mass

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Thanks. That makes sense. I’m seeing slightly different numbers here in WA.

No security deposit required. Monthly payment of $279, based on $42,590 MSRP of 2016 S60 T5 Drive-E FWD Inscription with Blind Spot Information, Convenience Package, Heated Seats and Metallic Paint, includes destination charge and application of $2,650 Non-Cash Credit equivalent to Complimentary Premier Package, $500 Volvo Allowance, and $5,850 Lease Bonus. Lessee is responsible for excess wear and mileage over 10,000 miles/year at $0.25 / mile.
Total 9000.

That sounds like an awesome deal. What are you using as sales price in this case. Is regular s60s available for similar prices too?

@goku Keep in mind - it does not include tax, title/registration, acquisition/dealer fees, etc. So it can easily add extra $60-$90/month if you roll everything in for the true $0 (or the first month only) due at signing. But it’s still a great deal, no doubt.

S60 drive e premier is 199 for 36 months/10k but with 3k due. I posted details such as msrp and sales previous in previous post but was 48k msrp, 33k sales

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What were the numbers behind your deal? The CC must have a lot more lease cash than the other S60s

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MSRP 46k
Gross Cap Cost 33319
Residual 28862
Base Monthly 264
tax 16.50
Total Monthly 280.55
24 months/12k
Drive off (821 incl 1st month, doc fee 349, Title fees 75, Reg 55, Sales Tax 22, Inspection 35, Title 5)

Volvo s60 cross country, pretty much all options.


Where did you get this deal at?

Norwood volvo massachusetts

First time leasee here…

I am looking at a Volvo S60 Cross Country and on the Volvo site in the payment calculator I am seeing the following incentives on a 24 month lease:


Assuming I am reading it correctly that is a total of $13,700 in incentives and would make for a pretty insane deal on the car especially since the residual is also high at 59%. Please advise and let me know if I did something wrong.

I’m seeing the following for a 24 month lease on a S60 Cross Country:


I used my zip of 60076. What zip code did you use?

I went into the local dealership and he pulled out all the paperwork and said he doesnt have the $4100 offer listed and he thinks it’s an error since the info says:

2016 Volvo S60 Lease Bonus Dealer Cash
Expires: 8/1/16

While the info for the $6100 says:

2016 Volvo S60 Cross Country Lease Bonus Dealer Cash

The $4,100 was an error and the site has been updated. Still the $6,100 plus $850 plus $2,650 plus $1,000 Conquest cash is a pretty smoking deal if you can find a dealer willing to give you between 12-17% off.

How did you get such a high residual?

Looks to be about 63%