2016 Fiat 500e lease OCFiat (California)

Conquest is any non-Chrylser lease. Easy 1k , they just need a copy of the sales form.
Yeah I’m in LA, so i have 805 in TTL vs 650 or so for OC. 55/mo, declined wear and tear, lowest finance guy would do is 500 for it. yeah I estimated with return desposition it would be about 1032 for 3 years.

I’ve been commuting back and forth for more than a couple of weeks now back from south bath to irvine, it definitely is a solid 30% juice gone one way travelling conservatively. This is to be expected in the morning since the max speed you get even at 6:30AM is about 60 or 70. And you still get hit with traffic in the HOV lane.

Going back just before the big traffic rush I can do about 70 easy no probs. For sure you can get it into the ECO range and squeeze a bit out of it. Not so much at 80mph where it kind of struggles. By the time i get home it’s about down to 35 - 40% charge left on average. So once 10pm comes around, I just let it charge at max for about 2 or 3 hours to get back to 100%.

One thing that is odd is that once in a while the charge will go up to 95% and it will stop charging which is odd. I hope this trend doesn’t continue.

I’m pretty sure that the ocfiat deals will come back. That’ pretty much all they sell. Waiting game my friends. Waiting game.

BTW, make sure you have them charge the car while you are doing paperwork. You have to get the car home somehow! Most of them that day were low on charge.

I’d be careful with south bay fiat, i believe they charged full TTL on it, where as OCfiat charges a discounted 805 TTL for LA county.

on the qualifications for the conquest, would it work i just go lease Kia a day or a month before I bring in for the Fiat?