This months (April) F-150 best Lease trim is the XL/STX, Ford really pumped up the numbers for that trim in most regions. (Odd, the only time I have seen that trim lease better than the XLT in the last 2 years researching). Will likely change in May. This deal should still be easily replicable though. If looking for an XLT, would probably wait a week until May and take a chance on what Ford offers next month. Just might be something good to hold off some of the '19 Ram sales.
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In Colorado the XL/STX have $3800 in rebates, plus if you find one with the XL MID DISCOUNT and STX APPEARANCE DISCOUNT, it pumps the MSRP for the residual by $2k. Working the numbers you could easily get into one for mid $300’s x 36mo with just first payment.