2018 Infiniti Q60 3.0T Luxe Coupe $331 + Tax (First month, bank, plates, doc DAS) NY/ NJ Only VPP + Conquest NO FEE FREE DELIVERY

Got a few 2018 Q60 luxes left to move ASAP. PM for more details.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2018 Infiniti Q60 Luxe AWD
MSRP: $ $51,380
Monthly Payment: $ $331 /month
Drive-Off Amount: $ 1st Month, Tax, DMV and Bank fee of $700
Months: 39
Annual Mileage: 10K
MF: 0.00003
Residual: 45%
Available Incentives: Deal includes VPP and conquest
Region: NY/NJ
Leasehackr Score: 12.6
**Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=INFINITI&msrp=51380&sales_price=38,947%20&months=39&mf=.00003&dp=0&doc_fee=141&acq_fee=700&taxed_inc=1500&untaxed_inc=1500&rebate=0&resP=45&reg_fee=400&sales_tax=6.625&memo=&acqFee_check=true&totalLeaseTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=0

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Why do the great deals seem to be in NY/NJ? I’m in Ohio.

Simple economics… More competition = better prices

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How can I get more info on this car and can we test drive it?

Why all best international airfares on the East Coast are from NYC/Newark also? :slightly_smiling_face:


Numbers are good through Thursday and a few cars left, including 2 dynamic Sunstone red red sports.

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Just joined the group not sure how to pm but very interested.

Got a few more left. Numbers are still good for October!!! One red on black red sport with sensory left as well!

does a 24 month term change deal much?

Yeah infiniti is crazy on 2 year leases, make no sense.

Still available? I’m interested in 3.0t luxe or red sport.

yes, have a few luxes and one red on black red sport with sensory left.

Please pm me. I need a car asap just returned my lease.

Updated on a few remaining units good through end of October in NYC / NJ ONLY.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Aronchi Reviews - NYC Tri-State Area Lease Deals

Hey I’m interested in this deal however I can’t PM cause I’m a new member. Can you please email me AlenLvovich@gmail.com if this deal is still available? Currently have a Q50 lease that expires in mid November. Thank you.

I sent you an email man.


One black on black, blue on black, white on black ($51,880 MSRP), as well as a couple sports and a red on black red sport.

51 MSRP is which trim?

Luxe with sensory package.