Wrangler 392 spin off - ordering, configs, flips, etc

Ordered my gobi 4/22 and received it 6/22. Think they had stopped offering the color by May.


I like to party


I feel bad I didn’t order a SOT.
I also got an Anvil. :crazy_face:


You b*stards are causing me a lot of FOMO.

I was saving the bullet in the chamber for ‘24 TRX :disappointed:


How many walked away from Anvil 392s piling up in a few months will it take for Mitch to stop taking my calls…

If we could get a meetup with all of these. Now that would be cool.

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They will all be sitting together at the lot so there is your meet


Not me. I won’t walk away from mine. I’ve got to drive a 6.4 Jeep at least for a little while

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Anvil looks slow need better colors

Once you hear the beautiful rumble and roar of that engine, there’s no walking away.

Except a couple weeks ago when I floored it (of course loudly) to get safely past a biker, with no ill intent, and my wife seriously almost made me get out and walk home. The kids were amused.


Wait, why is everyone doing anvil? I just got white with no options. Am I basic? Yes but I’m too much of a coward to flip an optioned car.

Honestly am not sold on the rims. I can’t even say that I like them.

Anytime Jeep returns a paint color from the back shelf, people order it like flies on :poop::poop:. Has happened with nearly every “limited” color.

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Yeah they’re not my fav but at least they look a bit better in real life vs the awful builder

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Like the rims a lot. Way better than last year base rims

Hope they stick with the KO2s too

Non-XR rims are my personal favorite

Got mine ordered too. Lease payments should be up to $1,500 by the time I get it.


Hopefully by you guys flooding the market with anvil my white comes out looking nice lol


2024 Build & Price online is live now

Am I late to the 24 Party?


Can anyone be so kind as to point me in the right direction to this Mitch guy to place an order for a 24 please?