Worst leases you've seen

Guidance conselor😁 or something long the line.

Car buying consierge. May sound luxury of they want luxury:)


Buyer Agent is the official term in Colorado.

This is a lease in Calgary, Quebec Canada (I don’t know why google served me this add)
I learned a new term, B/W Bi-Weekly.
399 B/W…with fine print
So 800/m with 5k down + TTL.

It’s in Canadian dollars, so not real currency… Similar to Monopoly money :joy:


Canadians reading this abomination of a sentence

Angry Bobs Burgers GIF


Be easy on him, education wasn’t great in Birmingham, TN


I feel like I’m on an episode of Cinema Sins.

Bi weekly adds an extra 2 payments a year also.



Lease cost is nearly $90k over 4 years. Contract has yet to be signed, but it seems they are dead set on taking this deal.

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Sometimes people just cannot be helped.

When did Calgary get moved from Alberta to Quebec?

Lol I missed that…I thought everyone was going on about Canada

But as this is LH, of course I got it wrong. Yet only a few are batting an eye at BI-Weekly payments.


Ok… I think we are back to the dumping of negative equity and then trying to transfer…
If that’s the car… I can somewhat understand.
But if there is no neg equity involved in NJ out of all places… Damn, that much be a good boat for FI manager who did that…

22 VW ID.4 at $800pm…

+/- near 2x what people are paying. that’s nuts.

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They were going off the 2% rule, which clearly has to be better than the 1% rule…

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No purpose of this post besides to show a mindbending lease…whilst scrolling aimlessly on Swap-a-lease, I found a 760i where the current owner put down $65k on a 760i.

Perhaps a contender for “worst leases ever seen”

I’m pretty taken aback by this, as you’ve got to assume if the car gets totaled the next day, a large loss of principal would likely occur…

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But does it have rear footrests?


must be why he’s dumping it :rofl:


Asking For A Friend GIF

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