Worst leases you've seen

Can I get the dealer info. I have time, I wanna mess around with them.


Don’t give remote negotiators a bad name.


I’m annoyed because I feel like they played dumb games, but it is still people trying to make a living and I don’t want to encourage people to waste their time or cause problems.

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Selling at MSRP is a living. Adding stuff is something more. Then marking up MF on top is extortion.


It’s just business. Don’t get bent out of shape or take it personally (“they’re extorting me”)


Only if they have pics of the lessee in a compromising position.

Which seems unlikely.



Haven’t browsed Michigan SAL in a few weeks…here’s some gems.

Total Base Terrain @ $533/mo


Well that was already clear from the payment…

Kinda feel bad for that one, sounds like an elderly person that got totally screwed. Seems unimaginable you could write up a lease for that much for a $28k Terrain that always has $3-5k in incentives.

GLE 43 @ $1750/mo

Again…how is this even possible???


There HAS to be some (a lot) negative equity in that one.


Isn’t Ypsilanti like 95% employee deals?

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Windshield warranty. :cowboy_hat_face:


To be fair, very few insurance companies here offer separate glass coverage and not many people realize you can even get one, so it’s usually bundled with comprehensive and not many people carry a low deductible. I think in many states it’s a requirement to have a separate glass policy.

No, Ypsi is ghetto Ann Arbor.

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I wouldn’t call it a warranty though. :poodle:

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I got offered that crap in F&I last time. Some diamond coat BS for like $1000 They claim if you get a crack they’ll replace it for free. Allegedly it’s impervious to chips/pits, which would be kinda cool since I do a ton of highway driving.

But I pay $80/yr for $0ded glass coverage. Just had the windshield replaced on the Accord last year, it was a $1250 job :no_mouth:


So far on my current car I had to have a chip repaired for somewhere in the low $100s.

I can’t remember the time before that.

My general tendency is self-insuring for non-catastrophic losses, and, while my luck may run out, I believe I am far, far ahead.

Recently I bought some phone charging cords on eBay, and on the way to checking out I was offered two years of protection for something like $3.98. :see_no_evil:


If it includes shipping and is fairly comprehensive it could just be worth it.

Yeah, no.

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why do people always say this? if California started taxing $1M+ cars at 25% it would be legal but wouldn’t make it right

just because the government decides it doesn’t make it moral, it only makes it legal

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Entitlements have to come from somewhere though, right? For all other things, start a company in MT.


There is plenty the government does that isn’t legal either. But that is a whole different can of worms.

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Save big with this one payment lease!!

I like how its only 2500mi per year, about $47/mi. But excess miles is only $2.5.mi… like waaaaat

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