Wisconsin Lease 2021 Honda HR-V LX AWD CVT, 274.14 Monthly payment with tax, 0 money down

Title: Wisconsin Lease 2021 Honda HR-V LX AWD CVT, 274.14 Monthly payment with tax, 0 money down.
Tags: Share Deals & Tips Ask the Hackrs Honda, Wisconsin, Lease, USA
Post: My step dad did this deal for me. Negotiated over text on what numbers worked for him and once it was agreed upon verbally, we went in and did a few more minutes of haggling with the Finance Manager. My credit score at the time was 688 so they insisted I needed to put money down. My step dad said their crazy and kept asking how much and they refused to give a number until we would give them our number. Eventually the Finance Manager came back and said fine no money down but we need a cosigner. All in all, got my wife to co sign, and we took the car home the next morning. I will screen shot the copy of the leasing contract. I am also not sure what the Money Factor is in this case as I was not the individual who negotiated the terms. Let me know what you all think on this lease deal.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: Honda HR-V LX AWD CVT
MSRP: 23,895
Selling Price: 22,078
Monthly Payment: $274.14
Drive-Off Amount: $0
Annual Mileage:15,000
Region:Upper Midwest
Leasehackr Score:
Leasehackr Calculator Link:

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Your mf here is .0001
No incentives have been applied. You’d need to verify incentives with edmunds to see if any have been rolled into your selling price or not.

Selling price is actually $22230 (Agreed on value of $23004.64 minus the dealer contribution to DAS of $774.14). Puts you at 7% pre-incentive. You’d need to compare against other researched deals to see how that fairs after verifying incentives.

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Awesome, thanks for sharing!

Rodo app in Wisconsin is 225 a month 36mo 15k yr. 225 down.

What is this “Rodo App” you speak of?

It’s a phone app for a company called Rodo. There’s an extensive thread on here discussing it.

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Awesome, thanks for the reply!