Why lease a BMW 3 series when a 5 series is ~$100/month more?

This is basically an IMHO thread about different cars for different priorities. I could also say why go for an underpowered 3 or 5 series when 455 sweet ponies can be at your fingertips for 100 less a month over at LT1 world.


The dollar amount is insignificant. If something was $2,000/month and it instead was $2,100 not too much more. For something that is $100/month $100 is double! So using your numbers the 5 series is about 25% more then the 3 series. That is a significant increase.

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That’s why this is a rather pointless thread…

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Why not get an Aston Martin to flex on them haters for 1100 a month?


why eat chicken when you can have steak?

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Thats why I only eat Steak


I tried to find but didn’t do a good job finding a difference in 3 vs 5 standard features. I used to think it’s like 15k or so more on msrp just for more size

Also what’s normal % off on these cars pre covid in normal conditions ?

Right now 3/5 series are 11-13% at most off for new

you shouldn’t be trying to ball in a luxury car if $100 a month is going to make or break you, in the other hand if you want a cheap or good deal that’s different

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ballin a 530…?

I just upgrade from 3 series to a 5 series. Love it. Don’t want to go back to the 3 series anytime soon.

It’s a lot of money

The fact that you’re even asking this question means you should just get the 5 series.

Even if the 5 and the 3 were the same price, I’d choose the 3 series because it’s much more nimble and I prefer something sportier. The 5 feels like a boat in comparison. That doesn’t mean preferring the 5 series is wrong, it’s a question of sportiness vs. luxury.


Being able to afford something does not always mean it makes financial sense. In case you haven’t noticed, this is LH. That extra $100 increases your 3-year lease cost by $3600.


This is not necessarily true. What if the individual is stretching to afford the $450/month? What If you said, “well if you can afford the $550/month, you can probably afford the $650/month”… so on and so forth till you’ve found yourself daily driving a Mclaren.

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Or a $900 Pilot.

What’s the point of this thread again? Get what you want.

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Does anyone know what time it is?

Personally, I don’t need the size of a 5 series. The 3 series fits better in the garage, my kids fit perfectly fine in the back, and I like having a smaller, more nimble car. Both are fine cars, when I test drove the 5 series it was nearly as responsive or agile as the 3 series. It had a few more bells and whistles, but nothing to sway me over the driving dynamics.

Even staring at the lease numbers and KNOWING full well that the 5 series was better ‘bang for buck,’ I went with the 3 series anyways.

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They are different types of cars. You should be comparing cars within the same segment… If you don’t care about the driving characteristics, then go for the 5 series… or a 7 if you want people to think you might actually be somewhat wealthy.

Not everyone wants a bigger car. My first car was an E39 (1998) 528i. The current 3 series that I have (G20) is 2 inches shorter and 1 inch wider. The pre-LCI G30 is 9 inches longer and 2 inches wider than the G20. LCI (2021-) is an inch longer still. It feels boaty and slow compared to the 3. The G20 is already more than big enough for me.

The 5 isn’t much “nicer” than the 3. The interiors are similar, both in looks and in quality. Ride quality isn’t far off, either. And the most significant factor other than the type of car I wanted: looks.

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Lol what kind of logic is this. You could just infinitely use this logic until your car is 20,000 a month. If you can afford $550 a month you can afford $650 a month. If you can afford $650 a month you can afford $750 a month, etc… why would anyone budget anything if they could always afford more…