Why are lease rates so drastically different in Virginia?

Indeed they can. The point is they don’t. However, the dealer fees are regulated in Maryland.

They don’t mark up MF and acq fee in MD? Right :smirk:


Again, this is your experience. Can you definitively say no dealer in MD doesn’t mark up one or both of these?

I’ve shopped MD dealers living in PA. I CAN definitively say they can and do.

Fair enough. I stand corrected. However, I thought that dealers would be consistent regarding MF and Acquisition fees within the state. That is my experience from research and leasing cars but I am not an expert.

Each dealer is an independent business that does what they want regarding their business within the rules set forth by the captive. There is no rule that says each business has to operate the same way within any state regarding fees, provided they aren’t doing something illegal. There’s also no rule that says they can’t mark it up for me and not for you.

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When you buy a car out of state are they matching the dealer fee in the processing fee for the state you live in or the state you’re buying the car in

VA dealer fees are very high but hard to keep up with FL. Many S FL dealers charge $999 dealer fee plus $299 electronic registration fee (a new scam) and force you to use their third party tag agency with an inflated rate.

No. That is a reason to buy out of state.